Originally Posted by keith4him
Funny thing Matt, KH is not a liberal the church he pastored won souls, was spiritual minded, gave to word missions had a vision and everyone there experienced Acts 2:38.
Hate to break it to you but many who lead the UPCI had this mindset, Urshan most likely because of his father, Goss, Vouga, not sure about Chambers, it ridiculous to think that all who have come before were Acts 2:38 all or nothing people.
In the time that I knew him Stanley Chambers proved to be surprising. In a ministerial ethics session he introduced and led a discussion involving a "hypothetical" sister who, though a new convert and a single mom, was required to wear coveralls to work. As her "pastor," Brother Chambers asked, "what do you tell her?" After the session I heard a few "conservative" types backbiting against SC for being a "compromiser."
Not the same as the One Step/Three Step dichotomy, but I found that a lot of our leaders were really not so "hard" as they were reputed to be. I think Felicity's "when the rubber hits the road" statement covers most if not all of our 'greats.'