Everything is going well, and I pray the same for you!
While the two of you are bestowing blessings and heavenly felicities upon each of yourselves, I would like to remind the "Rabbi" that Jesus never did say, "He that believeth and is SAVED shall be baptized." Some of you folk seem to think that is what it reads.
While the two of you are bestowing blessings and heavenly felicities upon each of yourselves, I would like to remind the "Rabbi" that Jesus never did say, "He that believeth and is SAVED shall be baptized." Some of you folk seem to think that is what it reads.
Got something against being nice? This brother and I have known each other online for several years. We know we disagree with each other but have found a way to still be friends through it.
Mark 16:16
He that believeth and is baptized shall be saved; but he that believeth not shall be damned
It seems that Jesus is indicating that obedience is assumed for the true believer. However, the unbeliever will be lost because of their unbelief. One might want to point out that Jesus makes no point to mention repentance here. Many things are just being assumed in Christ's statement.
There is no question that a believer will obey and be baptized...the question is...does the baptism remit sin when one is dunked or does the Lord remit sin upon repentance prior to baptism?
If sins are only forgiven at the point when one is baptized...how do so many in the Bible and in modern churches receive the Holy Ghost before baptism? That would mean they are receiving the Holy Ghost before their sins are forgiven.
I have done my job, and am pleased with the results.
The object was not to change anyone's mind, or to "prove" a particular point. It is to get folks to question their belief systems and most of all - to think for them selves! To answer the question, why do you believe what you believe? Is it something your learned - or was it something you were told to believe? To open up once again to the "simple" word of God and to hear afresh the Holy Spirit.
One of the major objectives is to get people to reexamine their personal relationship with Jesus. What is it really based on? Faith grounded in love (I truly believe in Jesus because he has demonstrated His love for me, and for that I also love him), or performance based in fear (if I mess up, I will go to hell, so I will work all the harder for His approval. To do that, I must get everything "right")? It is the difference between salvation based on personal relationship, or a hope of salvation based on performance. Motivation is critical to the type of relationship one has with God.
So, how many here have an assurance that their names are already written in heaven, in the Lamb's book of Life? If it is so written, when was it entered? If not, when do you think it will be entered? That should prove to be an interesting Bible study for everyone. Oh! if you name is already written in heaven, does that mean you are also "saved"? Be careful how you answer that question, it's tricky.
It makes no difference whether you study in the holy language, or in Arabic, or Aramaic [or in Greek or even in English]; it matters only whether it is done with understanding. - Moshe Maimonides.
Brother Atkinson is a beloved brother of mine. He is one of those to whom I look to to keep me sharped.
For that, thank God.
It makes no difference whether you study in the holy language, or in Arabic, or Aramaic [or in Greek or even in English]; it matters only whether it is done with understanding. - Moshe Maimonides.
Interesting series of exchanges.I have not read everything so I may have missed it. If I did, sorry, here it is again:
If one is willing to read Acts chapter 2 line by line, word by word, he/she will discover that in Acts 2:37 the people were not asking, "What shall we do to be saved?" They were asking, "Being saved, now what do we do?"
Doctrine hits scriptural reality.
In what Bible?
__________________ Mrs. LPW
Psalm 19:14
Let the words of my mouth, and the meditation of my heart, be acceptable in thy sight, O LORD, my strength, and my redeemer.
Mark 16:16
He that believeth and is baptized shall be saved; but he that believeth not shall be damned
It seems that Jesus is indicating that obedience is assumed for the true believer. However, the unbeliever will be lost because of their unbelief. One might want to point out that Jesus makes no point to mention repentance here. Many things are just being assumed in Christ's statement.
There is no question that a believer will obey and be baptized...the question is...does the baptism remit sin when one is dunked or does the Lord remit sin upon repentance prior to baptism?
If sins are only forgiven at the point when one is baptized...how do so many in the Bible and in modern churches receive the Holy Ghost before baptism? That would mean they are receiving the Holy Ghost before their sins are forgiven.
Aquila, do you not believe in Acts 2:38 as the Bible way of salvation?
Do you not believe in Baptism in Jesus Name being essential?
I am not a member here -Do not PM me please?
One big issue ... the 3 step crowd has is that somehow many of them think the command to "REPENT" is a one time partial salvational event ... accompanied by melancholy altar call music and a confessional prayer mixed w/ mucous and tears.
Peter told them to "turn to God" ... a message that is for all believers ... good and necessary on the first encounter w/ the Word as it is throughout our relationship
with God.
Telling them to turn to God by identifying w/ the salvational work of the Lamb, Jesus Christ, through baptism ... is what he was saying.
Dan.. you're over generalizing again.
I don't know ANY preachers except the one step, once saved always saved crowd who believe repent once and your done.
I've said this before, but some of you folks must have had some real strange teaching in your past... I've never had any of it. I've been a member of six different churches in my lifetime and not one of the pastors (or the many visiting ministers for that matter) ever made repentance a one time event.
__________________ Mrs. LPW
Psalm 19:14
Let the words of my mouth, and the meditation of my heart, be acceptable in thy sight, O LORD, my strength, and my redeemer.