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Old 07-14-2007, 09:11 AM
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Originally Posted by Pressing-On View Post
Excellent thread, Digging.

On a side note, I've always viewed Malachi as a "changing of the guard" type of thing. I believe the Lord was warning them and then telling them why he was doing away with the Old Covenant.

Malachi 4:5-6, pretty much, seals the deal, IMO. This is what I am going to do next, preview.

I've never viewed Mal 3:8 as anything other than the final warning. I certainly wouldn't carry that into the NT church and use it for a threat.
I look forward to your study.

I agree with your feelings on Malachi 3:8.

And the thing is that...

once the discussion is said and done....

once we can agree on things such as the tithe not carrying over into the NT..

Once we can agree that these verses are being misused and twisted from their original message and intent when used as a "threat" of sorts about tithing...

Then... we all agree that a tenth is a great rule of thumb.

We could really accomplish something in these discussions if we could ever get past the constant having to answer for things we are not trying to accomplish.

We aren't against giving... we are against the misuse and misapplication of scripture. We are against a lie and we are for the truth.
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Old 07-14-2007, 10:34 AM
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Originally Posted by Digging4Truth View Post
I look forward to your study.

I agree with your feelings on Malachi 3:8.

And the thing is that...

once the discussion is said and done....

once we can agree on things such as the tithe not carrying over into the NT..

Once we can agree that these verses are being misused and twisted from their original message and intent when used as a "threat" of sorts about tithing...

Then... we all agree that a tenth is a great rule of thumb.

We could really accomplish something in these discussions if we could ever get past the constant having to answer for things we are not trying to accomplish.

We aren't against giving... we are against the misuse and misapplication of scripture. We are against a lie and we are for the truth.
I look forward to your studies also, Digging!

I agree with your whole post here. And, YES - 10% is a great rule of thumb.

We aren't against giving... we are against the misuse and misapplication of scripture. We are against a lie and we are for the truth.
Right!!!!!! Well said, but who believes that?
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Old 07-14-2007, 03:06 PM
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Ezra, Haggai, Zechariah, Esther, Nehemiah, and Malachi cover the time from when the Jews returned from exile in Babylon until a little over 400 years before the birth of Jesus. Esther takes place in Persia but the other books record the return to Judah, rebuilding the Temple, rebuilding the city of Jerusalem, and reinstating the Temple rituals. Remember, these folks were under the covenant of the Law. They were trying to re-establish things in their land according to the law.

Tobiah having control over a portion of the Temple and the administration of the food/tithes is not an example of a layperson having control but an example of an unsaved person or a person outside the covenant having control of Temple business.

All Scripture is written for us but not all Scripture is written to us. We can learn from examples under the law but we are not required to obey those rules and observe those rituals.
Sam also known as Jim Ellis

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