Originally Posted by Steve Epley
It happened once that I know of at the First Apostolic Church at Tulsa, OK. where the late C. P. Williams pastored. I heard the story from more than one who was there the ring broke in several pieces and fell off the sister's hand. She had just told her husband not even God could take the wedding ring off her hand. But it fell apart and she screamed to the top of her lungs.
Legends abound, even in Pentecostal circles.
Ever hear the one about the vanishing hitch-hiker?
Anyway, Reverend Freddie Fried Foggybottom and wife stoped to pick up a hitch-hiker on the way to Gen. Conf. Mr. Hitch-hiker after remaining very silent in the back seat, after a long time leaned forward saying to Reverend and Mrs Foggybottom, "Jesus is coming soon."
Though traveling fast on a lonely country road at night in the midst of a driving rain, Sister Foggybottom turned to acknowledge the words of this strange passenger, except that he had VANISHED from the backseat.
Did you hear the one about the Pentecostal oil drillers that drilled so deep that they heard the screams in hell?