Originally Posted by Praxeas
Unless your argument is that beauty leads to corruption and therefore everyone that is not butt ugly is corrupted and lost like Lucifer, I don't know why you would say "read it and weep"...if this is an argument against jewelry then it's also an argument against beauty.
Second, what verse exactly? Im trying to find the one that shows Lucifer was a jewelry wearing angel...the Mr T of angels as it were
The text also says
Eze 28:5 By your great wisdom and by your trade you have multiplied your riches, and your heart is lifted up because of your riches.
So using your logic here we can extrapolate that one needs to be as dumb as a door knob to be saved too
And not also be a business man....btw does anyone think it odd that an Angel in heaven, before falling had a trade where by he got rich?
"EVERY precious stone was thy covering, the sardius, topaz, diamond, beryl, onyx, jasper, sapphire, emerald, carbuncle, GOLD..........." Ezk. 28:13
"Thine heart was lifted up BECAUSE of they BEAUTY....." v.17
His wisdom was corrupted by his beauty thus PRIDE.
Are you saying this was NOT Lucifer?????????????????????