Originally Posted by NobodyImportant
I've never said it was a sin. Nor does my post come across that way. That's probably why you didn't see it in there.
Seriously, for me it is a personal conviction as I have already previously stated. Ranks right up there with tv for me. I won't have either.
Will I condemn others for not having the same conviction as I hold?
I am not their judge. I will allow God to do that.
I do teach that it is better to shun these things since they do have worldly connotations IMO. I do not feel that they contribute to godliness one iota. Do you?
Which of you having jewelry has become more godly since obtaining them?
Isn't the fashion of this world something to avoid?
My convictions.
Well given the context of the discussion we were having and given why this verse was posted to begin with, I guess I just don't see the point you were trying to make, if any. Sorry