Thad we are discussing wedding rings and apostolic preachers and why some do not wear them.Take that grill off.Its blinding me.Are you feeling powerless?
Do you want a signet ring? Will it help if it comes with a nice big ink pad and some parchment type paper? I will ask around and see what some of the brethren say.I don't think men in our country though have a custom of wearing a signet ring.Now they just wear badges or drive around in a big black Limo that says Private.....Government.The prodical son was in a position of rulership over some land again.He was given authority by his father.A ring on someones finger just for ornamentation does not denote authority but adornment and anyone can buy and wear a ring.The ring this man was given was not one any person could buy.It as a significant ring that meant a restoration of power and authority.
Here is a cool thing I read.The puzzle ring came about to keep women from committing adultry while their husbands were away.I wondered about that.My cousin brought a few
of them back from Saudi.I never realized that is why they were made.