My Mom was Catholic, Dad tagged along and slept in church. Dad was in the Army and we lived in Virginia for a while. Mom started going to a prayer meeting and was invited to an AOG church, I went with her. The first time I stepped into a Pentecostal church, having never heard of the Holy Ghost, God filled me with the HG, speaking in tongues.
Fast forward a few years, I’m 15 and we are living in Florida. A young man approaches me in the Mall and shows me
Acts 2:38 and asks me to come to the Pentecostal Lighthouse. God refreshes me in the HG and I get baptized in Jesus name by Pastor Joel Velie.
Since that time I’ve attended apostolic churches. But have on occasion visited AOG churches too.
Now, remember I said I received the HG in an AOG church. I’ve seen AOG ministers and churches operate in the gifts of the spirit and felt a sweet presence of God there.
But, I’m convinced there is a depth of power and anointing in a one God Jesus name church that I have yet to experience in an AOG church.
I can feel the difference in the Spirit when worshipping with the people of the name. Has anyone else had a similar experience?