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Old 08-21-2008, 08:23 PM
Minister_WD Minister_WD is offline
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Letter from Bro. Chester Wright to Bro. Haney

Bro. Haney,

Greetings in Jesus Name! I am writing to express to you my very great
concern about the "relevancy movement" in the church world and the impact
that it is having on the young ministers of our movement. Let me state that
while I am concerned about the Tulsa thing. Its potential impact upon our
movement is minimal compared to the impact that the relevancy movement is
having upon our next generation of preachers. The majority of those
involved with Tulsa are older ministers whose potential long term impact is
minimal. But, while we are so concerned about them and their exodus, while
our attention is focused on them, the adversary is deceiving a significant
portion of our younger generation who are our future.

Let me share some things which I have discovered in just a small amount of
time while doing some research and checking:First, a significant portion of these young men among us are questioning"when the blood is applied." The result of their "searching" is that they have concluded that it is applied at repentance, producing the conclusion that Water Baptism and Receiving the Holy Ghost is NOT necessary for salvation. They have concluded that all "holiness" is Phariseeism - that all of our standards are traditions of men, traditions of an older, out of date generation. This thinking is already affecting young men from Every area of our nation. I have several in my district that at leaning this direction. I have talked to several men from different areas of the country and it is happening to men they know as well.

Second, this group wants to reach the world through "relevancy" or
"relating" to the culture of this generation. A man who preached this past
General Conference uses people in ministry in his church who have NOT been
baptized in Jesus name and who have NOT received the Holy Ghost. He also
uses people in positions which represent his church to the public with NO
holiness standards at all. You can see for yourself atwww.thepointonline.tv and www.yourjourney.tv While I am not intending to single him out specifically, he is a very visible representative of the direction that many of our young men are going. Using him gave all of them a feeling of vindication and accreditation. There are many "buzz-words" associated with this new version of the manifestation of an old deceiving spirit. They think we older guys don't know the language, so therefore when they preach they say things that they expect that we will understand one way, while those "in the know" understand that they are saying something very different to them.

The relevancy movement is changing "church" to appeal to this generation
(their specific target generation is the 20-29 year olds). While I have a
great desire to see this generation reached also, I do not think that we
have to preach in tee shirts and blue jeans to reach them. Much of what so
disturbed the General Presbyters that they expressed about the Youth
Convention at last year's General Conference is not an isolated event, nor
just a trend. It is a movement - the relevancy movement. (Googleing
"relevancy" will shock you.) (By the way, the name "The Journey" is the
most "up-to-date" name for churches that are a part of the relevancy
movement - again, Google - "the journey church" and see for yourself.)
Bro. Haney I know that you are aware of my desire for progress. I have no
loyalty to religious traditions. I deeply desire to eliminate everything
from our doctrine and practices that are not completely founded upon the
Word of God. Therefore, I hope that you will understand and give some
credence to the concern that I have, since I have never been one for
maintaining the status quo. This email is written by someone who does
believe that change is positive. I am for changing the things which can and
should be changed. However, I am not for changing our Apostolic message,
only our un-Scriptural, non-Apostolic, ineffective methods.

I am deeply troubled in my spirit by these things and felt the need to
express them to you. I do not know if there would be anytime in the agenda
at the Board meeting to discuss this at all, but I pray that there is.
Thank you for taking the time to read this lengthy communication.
I pray that the Lord is blessing and keeping you. I look forward to seeing
you in a few weeks.

Chester Wright

Maryland-DC District Superintendent
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Old 08-21-2008, 08:24 PM
Minister_WD Minister_WD is offline
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Another Letter on the Doctrine of Relevancy

Dear Bro. Kenneth Haney
General Superintendent UPCI

Greetings in the Lovely Name of Jesus

I received a communication about the "doctrine of relevancy" I wondered when this was going to catch someone's attention. This has been around now for several years pushed in modern liberal religious circles. It has brought about an underground counter-Christian cultural revolution in all of the major denomination starting with the Roman Catholic, Southern Baptist,AOG, and Charismatic movement, and now has arrived most recently on the doorstep of the Apostolics. The pope has called several closed conclaves in trying to figure out how to deal with the mass exodus of priests and nuns from mainline Catholicism into a liberal social gospel, almost humanistic socialism disguised as faith.

I have researched this some. It starts dressed up as zeal to win the lost but as we know "Zeal without knowledge is dead." It invades through youth and music. Being a Musician I have been extremely alarmed by the trends toward only contemporary music being used in all of our public forums. GC, NAYC, etc. This is not a criticism of up to date and new songs, but it is used as a mask for a thinking trend among our youth. One bible school in particular has pushed this agenda out its back doors for several years that the "elders" of our movement were out of touch and could not relate to this generation. In my contact with many prominent charismatics their movement is being affected by this trend as well in lack of commitment, audiences, not participating members. Numbers, not churches. It starts with being cutting edge, dressing like the world in order to attract the world, becoming "hollywood" in short.

As Satan himself was beautiful and the worship leader of heaven, so this is his last end time gasp to lead God's great church into final apostasy. First comes change in worship styles, then the way we dress, and finally the last to fall is all bulwarks of doctrinal truths. We have placed the blame wrongly on the denominal world and charismatic movement being our enemy, they are being opposed by the same. They are looking for leadership in this area and are falling for false prophets. It is Satan among the saints. He is trying to make us just like them first, and then the final surrender to the world (anti-christ). Just as in heaven itself he was cast down to earth and has now duplicated his methods of turning the angels, to turning the saints. You can research this: The Pope realized that you cannot compromise. You have to keep stating the firm beliefs to give people a rallying point. If the False church realizes this principle then we as the only truth preaching people on the face of the earth raised up by God himself that must declare it boldly and strong.

I am not speaking of the UPCI only, I am talking about all oneness Apostolic Pentecostals around the world. I believe the UPCI was raised up by God to proclaim this saving truth (and lead all apostolic movements). If we give in to the pressure of this counter cultural revolution we will fall by the wayside as many other movements have done. Bro. Haney, I'm positive you are aware of many who have chosen to leave the apostolic message in hope of reaching the world, they are marginalized in whatever group they become associated. The few that reach stardom on TV compromise all they ever stood for and look back with longing at the warm fellowship they once enjoyed with saints of like precious faith. I know this to be a fact. The world does not have the answers we are looking for, to deal with this generation. Only God has the answers.

Bro N. A. Urshan was, I'm sure you agree, a latter day apostle. He warned me when I was making the decision to stay in the UPCI or accept an offer of a national TV program. "Mike you will see the day when the UPCI comes to this crossroads when they will go the way of the world, or will choose to follow God". I pray your forgiveness if I sound presumptuous or forward when I say I was there as a 16 year old in '68 and heard Bro. Chambers declare "Are we going the way of all other groups? and at 50 years old I stayed with the UPCI because Bro. Urshan ask me not leave him and forsake my apostolic roots and upbringing. Now this question is being put to the generation upon whom the ends of the world has come "Will ye also go away" I believe there will be a resounding answer "As for me and my house we will serve the Lord" There is no other people declaring this powerful truth of One God, Jesus Name, Holy Ghost that our church is declaring It will stand If we stand because God raised it up himself. My wife and I are so glad to be a part of this great Apostolic message preaching church.

Kris and I have great confidence in you and your good wife on a personal level and have always looked to you both as great examples since you were our "youth president" and we have prayed for your healing and strength to face these issues.

Yours always and respectfully in Christ's Service
Pastor Michael J. Anderson
Christ Church Houston, TX
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Old 08-21-2008, 08:25 PM
Oneness Man

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Re: Letter from Bro. Chester Wright to Bro. Haney

Originally Posted by Minister_WD View Post
Bro. Haney,

Greetings in Jesus Name! I am writing to express to you my very great
concern about the "relevancy movement" in the church world and the impact
that it is having on the young ministers of our movement. Let me state that
while I am concerned about the Tulsa thing. Its potential impact upon our
movement is minimal compared to the impact that the relevancy movement is
having upon our next generation of preachers. The majority of those
involved with Tulsa are older ministers whose potential long term impact is
minimal. But, while we are so concerned about them and their exodus, while
our attention is focused on them, the adversary is deceiving a significant
portion of our younger generation who are our future.

Let me share some things which I have discovered in just a small amount of
time while doing some research and checking:First, a significant portion of these young men among us are questioning"when the blood is applied." The result of their "searching" is that they have concluded that it is applied at repentance, producing the conclusion that Water Baptism and Receiving the Holy Ghost is NOT necessary for salvation. They have concluded that all "holiness" is Phariseeism - that all of our standards are traditions of men, traditions of an older, out of date generation. This thinking is already affecting young men from Every area of our nation. I have several in my district that at leaning this direction. I have talked to several men from different areas of the country and it is happening to men they know as well.

Second, this group wants to reach the world through "relevancy" or
"relating" to the culture of this generation. A man who preached this past
General Conference uses people in ministry in his church who have NOT been
baptized in Jesus name and who have NOT received the Holy Ghost. He also
uses people in positions which represent his church to the public with NO
holiness standards at all. You can see for yourself atwww.thepointonline.tv and www.yourjourney.tv While I am not intending to single him out specifically, he is a very visible representative of the direction that many of our young men are going. Using him gave all of them a feeling of vindication and accreditation. There are many "buzz-words" associated with this new version of the manifestation of an old deceiving spirit. They think we older guys don't know the language, so therefore when they preach they say things that they expect that we will understand one way, while those "in the know" understand that they are saying something very different to them.

The relevancy movement is changing "church" to appeal to this generation
(their specific target generation is the 20-29 year olds). While I have a
great desire to see this generation reached also, I do not think that we
have to preach in tee shirts and blue jeans to reach them. Much of what so
disturbed the General Presbyters that they expressed about the Youth
Convention at last year's General Conference is not an isolated event, nor
just a trend. It is a movement - the relevancy movement. (Googleing
"relevancy" will shock you.) (By the way, the name "The Journey" is the
most "up-to-date" name for churches that are a part of the relevancy
movement - again, Google - "the journey church" and see for yourself.)
Bro. Haney I know that you are aware of my desire for progress. I have no
loyalty to religious traditions. I deeply desire to eliminate everything
from our doctrine and practices that are not completely founded upon the
Word of God. Therefore, I hope that you will understand and give some
credence to the concern that I have, since I have never been one for
maintaining the status quo. This email is written by someone who does
believe that change is positive. I am for changing the things which can and
should be changed. However, I am not for changing our Apostolic message,
only our un-Scriptural, non-Apostolic, ineffective methods.

I am deeply troubled in my spirit by these things and felt the need to
express them to you. I do not know if there would be anytime in the agenda
at the Board meeting to discuss this at all, but I pray that there is.
Thank you for taking the time to read this lengthy communication.
I pray that the Lord is blessing and keeping you. I look forward to seeing
you in a few weeks.

Chester Wright

Maryland-DC District Superintendent
Is this for real?
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Old 08-21-2008, 08:33 PM
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Re: Letter from Bro. Chester Wright to Bro. Haney

Do you have the author's permission to post these? Or were they made public?
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Old 08-21-2008, 08:35 PM
mizpeh mizpeh is offline
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Re: Letter from Bro. Chester Wright to Bro. Haney

We read the doctrine of the younger generation that CW is concerned with here on AFF all the time. It's the one-stepper doctrine of salvation. I just finished reading a good article by Jason Dulle on evangelical vs pentecostal soteriology. If you read it, put the term, one-stepper, in place of evangelical. http://www.apostolic.net/biblicalstu...vangelical.htm

I'm not sure that being relevant is something to be afraid of.
His banner over me is LOVE.... My soul followeth hard after thee....Love one another with a pure heart fervently. Jesus saith unto her, Said I not unto thee, that, if thou wouldest believe, thou shouldest see the glory of God?

To be a servant of God, it will cost us our total commitment to God, and God alone. His burden must be our burden... Sis Alvear
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Old 08-21-2008, 08:43 PM
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Pastor Keith Pastor Keith is offline
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Re: Letter from Bro. Chester Wright to Bro. Haney

Originally Posted by Minister_WD View Post
Bro. Haney,

Greetings in Jesus Name! I am writing to express to you my very great
concern about the "relevancy movement" in the church world and the impact
that it is having on the young ministers of our movement. Let me state that
while I am concerned about the Tulsa thing. Its potential impact upon our
movement is minimal compared to the impact that the relevancy movement is
having upon our next generation of preachers. The majority of those
involved with Tulsa are older ministers whose potential long term impact is
minimal. But, while we are so concerned about them and their exodus, while
our attention is focused on them, the adversary is deceiving a significant
portion of our younger generation who are our future.

Let me share some things which I have discovered in just a small amount of
time while doing some research and checking:First, a significant portion of these young men among us are questioning"when the blood is applied." The result of their "searching" is that they have concluded that it is applied at repentance, producing the conclusion that Water Baptism and Receiving the Holy Ghost is NOT necessary for salvation. They have concluded that all "holiness" is Phariseeism - that all of our standards are traditions of men, traditions of an older, out of date generation. This thinking is already affecting young men from Every area of our nation. I have several in my district that at leaning this direction. I have talked to several men from different areas of the country and it is happening to men they know as well.

Second, this group wants to reach the world through "relevancy" or
"relating" to the culture of this generation. A man who preached this past
General Conference uses people in ministry in his church who have NOT been
baptized in Jesus name and who have NOT received the Holy Ghost. He also
uses people in positions which represent his church to the public with NO
holiness standards at all. You can see for yourself atwww.thepointonline.tv and www.yourjourney.tv While I am not intending to single him out specifically, he is a very visible representative of the direction that many of our young men are going. Using him gave all of them a feeling of vindication and accreditation. There are many "buzz-words" associated with this new version of the manifestation of an old deceiving spirit. They think we older guys don't know the language, so therefore when they preach they say things that they expect that we will understand one way, while those "in the know" understand that they are saying something very different to them.

The relevancy movement is changing "church" to appeal to this generation
(their specific target generation is the 20-29 year olds). While I have a
great desire to see this generation reached also, I do not think that we
have to preach in tee shirts and blue jeans to reach them. Much of what so
disturbed the General Presbyters that they expressed about the Youth
Convention at last year's General Conference is not an isolated event, nor
just a trend. It is a movement - the relevancy movement. (Googleing
"relevancy" will shock you.) (By the way, the name "The Journey" is the
most "up-to-date" name for churches that are a part of the relevancy
movement - again, Google - "the journey church" and see for yourself.)
Bro. Haney I know that you are aware of my desire for progress. I have no
loyalty to religious traditions. I deeply desire to eliminate everything
from our doctrine and practices that are not completely founded upon the
Word of God. Therefore, I hope that you will understand and give some
credence to the concern that I have, since I have never been one for
maintaining the status quo. This email is written by someone who does
believe that change is positive. I am for changing the things which can and
should be changed. However, I am not for changing our Apostolic message,
only our un-Scriptural, non-Apostolic, ineffective methods.

I am deeply troubled in my spirit by these things and felt the need to
express them to you. I do not know if there would be anytime in the agenda
at the Board meeting to discuss this at all, but I pray that there is.
Thank you for taking the time to read this lengthy communication.
I pray that the Lord is blessing and keeping you. I look forward to seeing
you in a few weeks.

Chester Wright

Maryland-DC District Superintendent
I have tremendous respect for Chester Wright, he helped me as a young minister with his messages and spirit, but I disagree with some of his conclusions, on one hand he takes issue with preaching in jeans and t-shirts then proclaims that he wants to eliminate anything unscriptural. I think his fears are worth addressing, especially by someone who actually repesents both perspectives in a healthy way.
Please pray for India

My personal mission is to BRING people into a right relationship with God, GROW them up to maturity and SEND them back into the world to minister.
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Old 08-21-2008, 08:43 PM
mizpeh mizpeh is offline
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Re: Letter from Bro. Chester Wright to Bro. Haney

After reading Bro Anderson's letter, I'm still finding it difficult to see how the current Christian music is going to lead the UPC down a slippery slope to forsaking "the doctrine".
His banner over me is LOVE.... My soul followeth hard after thee....Love one another with a pure heart fervently. Jesus saith unto her, Said I not unto thee, that, if thou wouldest believe, thou shouldest see the glory of God?

To be a servant of God, it will cost us our total commitment to God, and God alone. His burden must be our burden... Sis Alvear
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Old 08-21-2008, 09:25 PM
theoldpaths theoldpaths is offline
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Re: Letter from Bro. Chester Wright to Bro. Haney

Isa 31:1 Woe to them that go down to Egypt for help; and stay on horses, and trust in chariots, because they are many; and in horsemen, because they are very strong; but they look not unto the Holy One of Israel, neither seek the LORD!

God's church does NOT need the help of Egypt to reach the lost.

What our youth need is a life-changing move of God in their lives like what the following links describe:


Perhaps those who don't have an answer for their youth and go to Egypt for help could learn something from those where youth experienced a life-changing (not just the cliche) youth conference without the help of Egypt.

Those who don't have an answer for their youth, makes me start to wonder if they have something to keep the adults interested in something other than past blessings and apostolic tradition.

Which reminds me of a message I heard not to long ago from Miles Young from 2 Kings 6:24- about when Samaria was besieged. He taught that

- donkey's head represented stubborness and/or self-will
- dove's dung represented where the Spirit "used to be" and talked about living only on past experiences.
- empty threshing floor represented no harvest; no new people coming in
- empty winepress represented no Spirit flowing
- eating children represented consuming each other by gossiping, etc.

Its a sad thing when an apostolic can only live on past experiences where the Spirit used to flow and be.
Jer 6:16 Thus saith the LORD, Stand ye in the ways, and see, and ask for the old paths, where is the good way, and walk therein, and ye shall find rest for your souls...
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Old 08-21-2008, 09:34 PM
Nahum Nahum is offline
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Re: Letter from Bro. Chester Wright to Bro. Haney

I have a huge problem with this being posted.

This is private communication.

WD Minister, what purpose do you have in posting this?

I worry about "men of god" like you.
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Old 08-21-2008, 09:35 PM
HappyTown HappyTown is offline

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Re: Letter from Bro. Chester Wright to Bro. Haney

More power to these young minister! What used to be is no longer working, the young minister realized this, people are no longer fooled into believe standards are salvation, the fear factor no longer has the power it once held. The internet has open many eyes to the real truth on such matters as stated above, more so then T.V ever would!
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