Originally Posted by deltaguitar
I am expecting the three-step crowd to step up and give scriptural support for the doctrine before we start giving the cons of the doctrine.
You cannot just make a mental ascent to God. One must follow his words with action. Faith without works is dead and if you are not willing to be obedient to Christs' commands, you will not be saved.
Calvary isn't about Jesus alone, its about us as well. We must appropriate the work he did for us. It must be applied to our lives in a watery grave. We must be willing to follow. Repentance is the beginning of obedience. One has not fully obeyed the scriptures until he/she has fully surrendered their lives and receive all that God has appropriated for them.
Baptism is essential because it shows obedience. One cannot be resurrected without the Holy Spirit and you cannot receive the Holy Spirit without speaking in tongues. In essence, you cannot pass from this life to the next unless you have obeyed all three steps.
So, there DG, stop fighting the gospel. Get in the next prayer line.