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Old 02-26-2019, 10:58 PM
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Re: 7th Day Sabbath not for New Testament believer

Originally Posted by mfblume View Post

So, to adhere to seventh day is to not realize the better sabbath and better creation has come through Christ!!
Besides the fact no Bible writer said such a thing, or that no verse uses such language ("better sabbath", "better creation") in the context of the Sabbath day, I do find your statement rather weird as I and every Christian Sabbath keeper I know understands and believes Christ gives us rest, sanctification, purging, cleansing, atonement, a new and better covenant, etc.

In fact, keeping Sabbath AND THE ANNUAL FEAST DAYS has over the years given me far deeper insight into the work of Christ in a far shorter time frame than was happening prior. Sort of like how actually raising cattle or growing a food garden gives one much deeper insight into agricultural parables of Scripture than the average city slicker is capable of.
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Old 02-26-2019, 11:15 PM
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Re: 7th Day Sabbath not for New Testament believer

Originally Posted by Esaias View Post
In fact, keeping Sabbath AND THE ANNUAL FEAST DAYS has over the years given me far deeper insight into the work of Christ in a far shorter time frame than was happening prior. Sort of like how actually raising cattle or growing a food garden gives one much deeper insight into agricultural parables of Scripture than the average city slicker is capable of.
An example is the following revelation I got, where the Lord used Sabbath keeping to show me something, from my thread "A Lesson From The Sabbath":

Originally Posted by Esaias View Post
For years I had been led to believe (however it happened) that when we go to church we 'get filled up' so as to be able to 'make it through the week'. The idea was that you come to a service, are edified, exhorted, and encouraged, lifted up, taught, etc, and you 'get what you need from God' so that you can carry on throughout the week, throughout your daily life. Throughout the week you will face various trials, temptations, issues, etc and you need to be in service to get charged up so you have the spiritual fortitude to face life's issues.

But the Lord showed me rather bluntly this morning that this approach was backwards. I knew it (in my head) already but he really brought it to my attention today. In fact, I had been operating in this fashion even within a house church structure. I had viewed the meetings as an opportunity for people to spiritually 'gas up', get a 'full tank', to be able to make it through the week.

The Lord showed me this leads to an imbalanced spiritual life, of looking forward to the meeting as a 'big event' to 'get what I need from God' so I could 'make it to the next meeting'. It creates a spiritual drug addict, requiring services/meetings to be 'something special', otherwise it wouldn't 'be enough' to make it to the next one. Thus, each meeting 'must be' some kind of big blowout service. The music has to be perfect, the environment needs to be perfect, the preaching and teaching needs to be perfect, the testifying needs to be top notch, etc etc. It really is a selfish approach to religion, when you think about it. It leads to disappointment eventually, as meetings don't 'measure up' to what you think they ought to be.

But the Lord reminded me. In the wilderness, God gave them manna six days a week, but on the Sabbath he gave them none. They were given an extra portion on Friday to hold them over the Sabbath. Each day they had to go out, themselves, and gather their daily bread. THEY had to work at it. But on the Sabbath, they had to quit working, because the day was to be devoted to the Lord.

The Sabbath was the end of the week, not the beginning of the week. It was the climax, not the start, of the week. Sabbath was not designed to be a 'fill up' to get you through the coming week. It was designed to be a rest, a rest from your OWN labours, from having to gather bread. To be able to focus on God, rather than yourself.

In other words, you are supposed to be gassed up, filled up, prayed up throughout the week. The meeting of the church is designed to be a time when the saints of God gather to offer spiritual sacrifices of praise and prayer to God, and to minister to one another. IF one is going from service to service, trying to get their spiritual tank filled up each service, by the time the next service rolls around they are often running on fumes.

God gave a history lesson through Israel in the wilderness, showing us that each day we - we personally - must gather the bread from heaven. What we need for each day is supplied by the Lord each day. He rains it down from heaven, but we have to get off our duff and gather it. Each day. So by the time service rolls around, we are well fed and stocked and provisioned to PROVIDE for others, to GIVE (rather than receive).

The body grows by that which each joint supplieth. But if each joint is running on fumes, is starving because they only got fed last meeting and have been eating that all week, then nobody really has much to supply to others, so once again nobody really gets what they need out of the service! It's a vicious, self-enforcing cycle of failure and spiritual addiction.

Instead, if we feed on Christ (the bread from heaven) each day of the week, daily, that is, continually, then when meeting time rolls around we have a surplus instead of a lack, we have overflowing abundance to give rather than overwhelming need to receive.

So once again, the importance of DAILY walking with God, and DAILY being charged up by the Spirit of God, was reinforced to me in a new way. Stop going from meeting to meeting, looking for some kind of thing that God is going to do to keep you going to the next meeting. Instead, get all you need from God right now, today, wherever you are, EACH DAY OF THE WEEK. He Himself is the bread from heaven, he's all you need. It's all in HIM. Then, when you come to service, be prepared to GIVE, GIVE, GIVE out of the abundance God has put in your life and your heart.

God is rich, beyond description. His wealth is available to each of us, TODAY, in Christ. Too many of us run around like beggars living paycheck to paycheck, with church not much more than a welfare line or foodstamp office or soup kitchen. If we would appropriate the heavenly manna that rains down all around us each day, if we would just go out there and GATHER IT on a daily basis, we would all be spiritually wealthy beyond belief, and nobody would suffer lack.

I want THAT kind of meeting, where all of us come bringing the bounty that God has provided. The more of us who do that, the easier it will be to actually meet needs, and the less people there will be needing a spiritual handout, because more people would be learning how to gather the manna they need.

It is more blessed to give than to receive, indeed.
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Last edited by Esaias; 02-26-2019 at 11:19 PM.
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Old 02-27-2019, 03:25 AM
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Re: 7th Day Sabbath not for New Testament believer

Wow, did you know there's only 8 commandments left out of the Ten?

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Old 02-27-2019, 12:03 PM
Tithesmeister Tithesmeister is offline
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Re: 7th Day Sabbath not for New Testament believer


If the law of the Sabbath is still for us today, what would be the punishment for breaking the law? You may have covered this, but if you did I missed it.

Wouldn’t the punishment be the same if the law was still in effect?

When Moses and Aaron were presented with a man who was gathering sticks on the Sabbath, they didn’t know what to do with him, so they incarcerated him while they inquired of the Lord as to how he should be punished. When there is a law, there is normally a consequence contained within that law that guides in the punishment for breaking that law. The law of the Sabbath is no exception.

God said to stone him.

My point is, how many people have you stoned?

I really don’t mind you keeping the Sabbath. It doesn’t bother me. If I were your guest, I would probably humor you and observe with you in the spirit of not causing my brother to stumble. I wouldn’t pretend to believe it, I would just observe with you and probably discuss our differences in beliefs, kind of like we’re doing here.

The Sabbath is a holy day, right?

Paul had this to say about holy days . . .

Col. 2

[16] Let no man therefore judge you in meat, or in drink, or in respect of an holyday, or of the new moon, or of the sabbath days:

I really get the feeling that you have taught this for so long that your pride won’t let you give it up. Maybe I’m wrong.

Last edited by Tithesmeister; 02-27-2019 at 12:05 PM.
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Old 02-27-2019, 12:42 PM
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Re: 7th Day Sabbath not for New Testament believer

Originally Posted by Tithesmeister View Post

If the law of the Sabbath is still for us today, what would be the punishment for breaking the law? You may have covered this, but if you did I missed it.

Wouldn’t the punishment be the same if the law was still in effect?

When Moses and Aaron were presented with a man who was gathering sticks on the Sabbath, they didn’t know what to do with him, so they incarcerated him while they inquired of the Lord as to how he should be punished. When there is a law, there is normally a consequence contained within that law that guides in the punishment for breaking that law. The law of the Sabbath is no exception.

God said to stone him.

My point is, how many people have you stoned?

I really don’t mind you keeping the Sabbath. It doesn’t bother me. If I were your guest, I would probably humor you and observe with you in the spirit of not causing my brother to stumble. I wouldn’t pretend to believe it, I would just observe with you and probably discuss our differences in beliefs, kind of like we’re doing here.

The Sabbath is a holy day, right?

Paul had this to say about holy days . . .

Col. 2

[16] Let no man therefore judge you in meat, or in drink, or in respect of an holyday, or of the new moon, or of the sabbath days:

I really get the feeling that you have taught this for so long that your pride won’t let you give it up. Maybe I’m wrong.
Come back when you're mature enough for a serious discussion. "How many people have you stoned"? "Your pride wont let you give it up"? Really?
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Old 02-27-2019, 02:21 PM
Tithesmeister Tithesmeister is offline
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Re: 7th Day Sabbath not for New Testament believer

Originally Posted by Esaias View Post
Come back when you're mature enough for a serious discussion. "How many people have you stoned"? "Your pride wont let you give it up"? Really?
Umhhmn. See?! You are such a hypocrite. You are like the priests in Malachi. You are partial in the law. I knew it!

Malachi 2
9] Therefore have I also made you contemptible and base before all the people, according as ye have not kept my ways, but have been partial in the law.

Just load up your truck with fuel and rocks (in case Brother Blume is lacking in native stone l) and go to Canada and stone him. Man you’ve got to get rolling. You have a lot of highway to cover. You don’t have time to quibble with us about the fine points.

Stoning was the punishment for breaking the law of the Sabbath. Pure and simple. You have a lotta work to do.
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Old 02-27-2019, 02:26 PM
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Re: 7th Day Sabbath not for New Testament believer

Originally Posted by Tithesmeister View Post
Umhhmn. See?! You are such a hypocrite. You are like the priests in Malachi. You are partial in the law. I knew it!

Malachi 2
9] Therefore have I also made you contemptible and base before all the people, according as ye have not kept my ways, but have been partial in the law.

Just load up your truck with fuel and rocks (in case Brother Blume is lacking in native stone l) and go to Canada and stone him. Man you’ve got to get rolling. You have a lot of highway to cover. You don’t have time to quibble with us about the fine points.

Stoning was the punishment for breaking the law of the Sabbath. Pure and simple. You have a lotta work to do.
You should stick to twitter.
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Old 02-27-2019, 03:35 PM
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Re: 7th Day Sabbath not for New Testament believer

Originally Posted by Tithesmeister View Post
I really don’t mind you keeping the Sabbath. It doesn’t bother me. If I were your guest, I would probably humor you and observe with you in the spirit of not causing my brother to stumble. I wouldn’t pretend to believe it, I would just observe with you and probably discuss our differences in beliefs, kind of like we’re doing here.

Would you also do that with tithing?
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Old 02-27-2019, 08:09 PM
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Re: 7th Day Sabbath not for New Testament believer

Originally Posted by Evang.Benincasa View Post
Would you also do that with tithing?
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Old 02-27-2019, 08:51 PM
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Re: the decalogue today

Originally Posted by Steven Avery View Post
mfblume, can you state in a short paragraph your position on the decalogue as a whole and the creation 7th-day sabbath word within the decalogue. Thanks.


Please keep it simple. e.g. abrogated, spiritualized, transferred, dispensational. Try not to go far afield. Any relevance for today?

Be sure to comment on the 10 as a group, and the sabbath individually.


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