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Old 01-23-2010, 02:21 PM
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Re: Whatever Happened to the Street Preacher?

Originally Posted by DAII View Post
Just like we say teaching in the ... the method is as good as the teacher ....

I think knowing your target community's demographics ... social dymanics and environment ... play an important way in which methodologies to implement.

As a person born and raised in New York City ... I can see how if implemented the right way ... this type of ministry would have a great impact ...

Scaring folks with wild expressions of worship on a street corner ... or hell and brimstone preaching ... as opposed to Wilson wearing a costume and befriending the kids in the community who are very mistrustful of strangers and would not go to a storefront church otherwise ... is "smart" evangelism.

The pedestrian traffic and social dynamics of a big city New York are different to a big city like Houston ... that is geographically spread out and.... although there are parts where there a large pockets of population .... doing a street service doesn't make much sense.
i agree! i think such models are probably alot more successful in high density population areas especially as long as there is more to them than just preaching at people in streets.

I remember last year i went to daytona beach FL. There was a church doing some street preaching there. I'm not sure what kind it was but they definately didn't look apostolic. There was a big high school graduation going on in one of the buildings there. These people were by the street near that building. I thought the whole thing was pretty rude. Not that they were interfering with the actual graduation. But preaching at people going to and from a graudation just isn't very considerate IMO. I think the whole thing probably hurt how most everyone perceived that church...
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Old 01-23-2010, 02:24 PM
DAII DAII is offline
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Re: Whatever Happened to the Street Preacher?

Originally Posted by Sam View Post
Bill Wilson is unique.
He is a genuine man of God.

Why can't more of us see that God is alive and well and at work outside of our little circle?
What a wonderful testimony ....

Very inspiring .... I would love to see him in action .... knowing the very streets he ministers on ... I can tell you ... he is courageous and bold!

My city needs more men like him.

Last edited by DAII; 01-23-2010 at 02:26 PM.
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Old 01-23-2010, 02:30 PM
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Re: Whatever Happened to the Street Preacher?

Originally Posted by jfrog View Post
i agree! i think such models are probably alot more successful in high density population areas especially as long as there is more to them than just preaching at people in streets.

I remember last year i went to daytona beach FL. There was a church doing some street preaching there. I'm not sure what kind it was but they definately didn't look apostolic. There was a big high school graduation going on in one of the buildings there. These people were by the street near that building. I thought the whole thing was pretty rude. Not that they were interfering with the actual graduation. But preaching at people going to and from a graudation just isn't very considerate IMO. I think the whole thing probably hurt how most everyone perceived that church...
Agreed. Not smart. But some in their business and day to day affairs would be offended nonetheless.

Last edited by DAII; 01-23-2010 at 02:39 PM.
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Old 01-23-2010, 02:38 PM
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Re: Whatever Happened to the Street Preacher?

You have me very interested in this thread now.

Very informative posts. Thanks guys.

Let me ask this question from some such as Aquila and others.

If you were going to do some street evangelism, how would you do it?
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Old 01-23-2010, 02:57 PM
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Re: Whatever Happened to the Street Preacher?

Originally Posted by DAII View Post
Agreed. Not smart. But some in their business and day to day affairs would be offended nonetheless.
thats true. You are going to offend someone almost no matter what you do. However, if they begin to see that you are actually doing good and not just preaching at them, they may become more open eventually.
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Old 01-25-2010, 09:33 AM
Aquila Aquila is offline

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Re: Whatever Happened to the Street Preacher?

Originally Posted by Brother David View Post
I agree. And I was involved in just about evey type of "street ministry" and evangelism that we could come up with.

We could sometimes talk a couple of folks along the way into coming back to the church and getting baptized, or using the city fountains for a baptism; but I never once saw anyone ever "pray through" or be added to the church in over 20 years of trying that approach.

Instead, when we did see church growth it was through people actually coming to a service in the building. The worship and music would be powerful and they would give themselves to God then. But for some reason, the "powers that be" seemed to hate having an established church ministry and doing the few things that we could do successfully. So, it was back out on the street where we'd beat our heads against the wall and see no results.

The main thing however was that we could brag about what "radicals" we were. We'd go to camp and some of our guys would boast about how noboady was doing anything but us. Then I'd turn and notice that the other churches had new saints, whereas we had the same old crew.

Now, for some reason that church doesn't even really exist anymore.
Do you think your motives were pure?

I’ve been involved with street ministry efforts too and had a similar experience. It was the church where I was first saved. We’d go out and we had a speaker, handed out tracts, had music, handed out bottled water with our church information on it. We also never added any real members to our church.

But you see, that was the problem. We were just looking to add members to our church. We weren’t preaching the Gospel for the sake of the Kingdom of God.

When the Gospel’s preached, things happen. There are things you say that will forever impact the lives of many of your hearers. In fact, everyone who hears you will be impacted by what you tell them…even if they don’t heed it, because at the judgment they will stand having heard and that is very important. You see, you might feel led to talk about the value of prayer and repentance. There might be a Baptist believer listening in who’s been dabbling in drugs. Your words may convict him and be one of the many factors God is using to bring him around. He might drop the drugs and recommit to his church as a result of your anointed message. Or perhaps a young girl is considering abortion and while preaching on the streets you touch on the value of life. She feels conviction because of your words and chooses life. You saved a life. Maybe someone was about to abandon hope and end their own lives. Maybe your words reminded them of a church in their neighborhood they could turn to in their darkest hour. Yes, some may repent of sin, be baptized, and go their way… however, you’ve helped them begin their journey.

What is your motive when preaching? Is it to add numbers to a man made kingdom (read organization or institutional church)? Or is it to impact lives and advance the Kingdom of God? You’re not out to herd people in under your man made banners. It’s not about numbers. It’s not about numbers. It’s not about numbers. It’s about the necessity of the Gospel being preached. It’s about the Kingdom.

Would you preach if you knew you were only sowing seed and wouldn’t reap the harvest? Most churches don’t feel like sowing unless THEY reap the harvest. But friends…this is the Lord’s harvest.
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Old 01-25-2010, 09:34 AM
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Re: Whatever Happened to the Street Preacher?

Originally Posted by jfrog View Post
Yea I know what ya mean. Not saying its that way with everyone, I know I've heard of some success stories using the street preaching method, but I feel alot of street ministry and other radical methods of evangilism is more about look what I'm out doing(even if it isn't really the best way).

I know that seeing such methods work or even hearing of them work is a really fantastic and inspirational story of peoples hunger for God. However, not everyone is called by God to evangalize in such ways. I think alot of preachers get caught up in the hype of such methods and push for such types of ministry in vain. Also all the mocking and such that they get from the streets reinforces to them that they are really good christians because the world hates them so much... So maybe such types of ministry is more for them than for the lost... All this is JMO. (And this doesn't apply to everyone who focuses on such types of minstry).
I don’t think street ministry is for everyone either. But I would ask this…if a man isn’t willing to preach on the street to the lost…does he deserve to preach behind a beautiful oak pulpit to the frozen chosen?
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Old 01-25-2010, 09:35 AM
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Re: Whatever Happened to the Street Preacher?

Originally Posted by TJJJ View Post
You have me very interested in this thread now.

Very informative posts. Thanks guys.

Let me ask this question from some such as Aquila and others.

If you were going to do some street evangelism, how would you do it?
First thing that comes to mind is that I wouldn’t preach or conduct street evangelism in an effort to add church members. I see it as a service and ministry to the community. I’d be out to move people, influence lives, help other Christians draw closer, and get non-believers started on their journey. If anyone wants to know where I attend or would like to know of a church I trust, I’d share information regarding my church and invite them to come along some time. I might even recommend a different church close to their home or residence. It’s not about numbers or building your little man made Kingdom…this is about the Kingdom of God. You’re preaching because you’re called to preach and they are called to listen…not to gain a following or to add numbers to a Sunday Country Club.

I’d preach the Gospel. I wouldn’t focus on hot button subjects. I’d treat all sin and sinners alike and demonstrate how compassionate and loving our God is toward those who don’t even know Him, because while we were yet sinners, God loved us all. Emphasize GRACE, repentance, baptism, and receiving the Spirit. I’d go as far as to tell them when they go home, pray in the bathroom where they have privacy for the Holy Spirit. They don’t need a building, altar, hyped up music, and a crowd whipping them into frenzy. They can receive the Spirit in their homes as it settles peacefully upon them as a dove.

It’s always nice to have tracts, literature, snacks, and/or drinks to give away. Small gesture, but it helps.

Have a listing of charities in your area that deal with the homeless, jobless, hungry, or those needing clothes. When and if approached for help, help these people get connected with the appropriate charities that can help them. NEVER give money directly to anyone “Silver and gold have I none”.

OBEY THE LAW. Check with local law enforcement about your intentions and operate according to the law.

Preach because you’re called to and because you love it. It’s not about gaining members or attendees for our Christian Sunday Show. This is about Kingdom work. The Kingdom is bigger than our institutional churches. Traditional/institutional church isn’t for everyone. In fact…it’s not for most people. Most people want a living relationship with Jesus in their day to day lives…not obligatory meetings and new financial demands that pad some preacher’s wallet or help build another brick building. Commit to home Bible studies. Those who are interested can be the base for your home Bible studies. All that’s necessary for the salvation of an individual is possible with home Bible studies. You can lead them to repentance, baptize them, pray with them to receive the Spirit, and build them up in their knowledge of the Scriptures. Personally, this is where I’d advise establishing a house church. But that’s just me.

Because I’m all for house churches, my message is sometimes sprinkled with a bit of conviction against institutional church. Yes, some who have heard me were shocked to hear that I didn’t want them to “go to church” but rather I wanted them to get to know Jesus and live for him in their daily lives. Not as being bound and committed to a human/man made organization, but as being committed to the Kingdom of God. Those seeking a friend, teacher, or someone to pray with know I’m there for them.

Only God knows all that is accomplished in public ministry…and perhaps its best that way so we remain humble.

One last thing. This will sound crazy, but it’s very interesting and I’ve seen touching results People offering “Free Hugs and Prayers”. I’ve seen people weep when a saint wraps their arms around them and prays for them in earnest. Sometimes you don’t have a clue what a person is going through and your prayers are just what they needed.
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Old 01-25-2010, 09:35 AM
Aquila Aquila is offline

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Re: Whatever Happened to the Street Preacher?

If you're out to gain "members" for your little kingdom... you will not be pleased with the results. But if you're out to touch lives and advance the Kingdom of God... you'll find street preaching to be a blessing
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Old 01-25-2010, 10:06 AM
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Re: Whatever Happened to the Street Preacher?

Originally Posted by Aquila View Post
Do you think your motives were pure?
Me? As the wind driven snow! LOL.

I was as naive as they come. I actually believed all the stuff we preached. And there were many others of like mind as well. I was also many years younger than the core of the group so that tended to blind me to a lot of things as well.

The cynicism that you read in my words today (many years after the fact) came about after my "education." After the fact, I learned that the leadership and his circle of "radicals" were mostly motivated by pride and an "in your face" style of Antiestablishmentarianism. There was one exception who remains as naive as I was to this day.

But, the majority were motivated by this "Acts 2:38 or hell" attitude coupled with a "we really mean it this time" fervency. It was a recipe for disaster.
Originally Posted by Aquila View Post
I’ve been involved with street ministry efforts too and had a similar experience. It was the church where I was first saved. We’d go out and we had a speaker, handed out tracts, had music, handed out bottled water with our church information on it. We also never added any real members to our church.

But you see, that was the problem. We were just looking to add members to our church. We weren’t preaching the Gospel for the sake of the Kingdom of God.
Yes. But to continue to facilitate an on going outreach you need a base of support. We never really achieved a solid consistent base. We'd get the numbers up and then the pastor or his wife would become convinced that it was time to "get the church cleaned up" with holiness standards or there would be some sort of painful fall out from an ill conceived publicity stunt and we'd be back to the beginning all over again.

I agree about "the Kingdom." I remember at one camp meeting I counted 22 people in another church's choir that I had either won myself or who had been won by someone I had won (family etc.). I remember a thought crossed my mind, "What if they could have stayed with our church?" Then I realized that they were doing very well right where they were. Then I sort of envied them.
Originally Posted by Aquila View Post
What is your motive when preaching? Is it to add numbers to a man made kingdom (read organization or institutional church)? Or is it to impact lives and advance the Kingdom of God? You’re not out to herd people in under your man made banners. It’s not about numbers. It’s not about numbers. It’s not about numbers. It’s about the necessity of the Gospel being preached. It’s about the Kingdom.

Would you preach if you knew you were only sowing seed and wouldn’t reap the harvest? Most churches don’t feel like sowing unless THEY reap the harvest. But friends…this is the Lord’s harvest.
Now? You betcha (to quote your favorite politician!).

Then? I was under a lot of pressure from "the powers that be" that I foolishly allowed to drive me in the wrong direction at times. I had to watch and experience failure over and over before I began to have faith in my own thoughts on the subject. The desire to be "under submission" and to just trust your "elders" was powerful for me. It took a long time to shake free from that.
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