Originally Posted by TJJJ
You have me very interested in this thread now.
Very informative posts. Thanks guys.
Let me ask this question from some such as Aquila and others.
If you were going to do some street evangelism, how would you do it?
First thing that comes to mind is that I wouldn’t preach or conduct
street evangelism in an effort to add church members. I see it as a service and ministry to the community. I’d be out to move people, influence lives, help other Christians draw closer, and get non-believers started on their journey. If anyone wants to know where I attend or would like to know of a church I trust, I’d share information regarding my church and invite them to come along some time. I might even recommend a different church close to their home or residence. It’s not about numbers or building your little man made Kingdom…this is about the Kingdom of God. You’re preaching because you’re called to preach and they are called to listen…not to gain a following or to add numbers to a Sunday Country Club.
I’d preach the Gospel. I wouldn’t focus on hot button subjects. I’d treat all sin and sinners alike and demonstrate how compassionate and loving our God is toward those who don’t even know Him, because while we were yet sinners, God loved us all. Emphasize GRACE, repentance, baptism, and receiving the Spirit. I’d go as far as to tell them when they go home, pray in the bathroom where they have privacy for the Holy Spirit. They don’t need a building, altar, hyped up music, and a crowd whipping them into frenzy. They can receive the Spirit in their homes as it settles peacefully upon them as a dove.
It’s always nice to have tracts, literature, snacks, and/or drinks to give away. Small gesture, but it helps.
Have a listing of charities in your area that deal with the homeless, jobless, hungry, or those needing clothes. When and if approached for help, help these people get connected with the appropriate charities that can help them. NEVER give money directly to anyone “Silver and gold have I none”.
OBEY THE LAW. Check with local law enforcement about your intentions and operate according to the law.
Preach because you’re called to and because you love it. It’s not about gaining members or attendees for our Christian Sunday Show. This is about Kingdom work. The Kingdom is bigger than our institutional churches. Traditional/institutional church isn’t for everyone. In fact…it’s not for most people. Most people want a living relationship with Jesus in their day to day lives…not obligatory meetings and new financial demands that pad some preacher’s wallet or help build another brick building. Commit to home Bible studies. Those who are interested can be the base for your home Bible studies. All that’s necessary for the salvation of an individual is possible with home Bible studies. You can lead them to repentance, baptize them, pray with them to receive the Spirit, and build them up in their knowledge of the Scriptures. Personally, this is where I’d advise establishing a house church. But that’s just me.
Because I’m all for house churches, my message is sometimes sprinkled with a bit of conviction against institutional church. Yes, some who have heard me were shocked to hear that I didn’t want them to “go to church” but rather I wanted them to get to know Jesus and live for him in their daily lives. Not as being bound and committed to a human/man made organization, but as being committed to the Kingdom of God. Those seeking a friend, teacher, or someone to pray with know I’m there for them.
Only God knows all that is accomplished in public ministry…and perhaps its best that way so we remain humble.
One last thing. This will sound crazy, but it’s very interesting and I’ve seen touching results People offering “Free Hugs and Prayers”. I’ve seen people weep when a saint wraps their arms around them and prays for them in earnest. Sometimes you don’t have a clue what a person is going through and your prayers are just what they needed.