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Old 01-21-2010, 10:37 AM
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Re: Whatever Happened to the Street Preacher?

Many areas have laws against it.

Some of my brothers have been escorted off the property of the Super Wal-Mart in Apopka.

Does anyone have a suggestion for Christinas who live in areas where "street preaching" is illegal?

Does obeying this law compromise Biblical Christianity?

Does wisdom have a place in this discussion?
"The choices we make reveal the true nature of our character."
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Old 01-21-2010, 10:53 AM
Aquila Aquila is offline

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Re: Whatever Happened to the Street Preacher?

Originally Posted by Jermyn Davidson View Post
Many areas have laws against it.

Some of my brothers have been escorted off the property of the Super Wal-Mart in Apopka.

Does anyone have a suggestion for Christinas who live in areas where "street preaching" is illegal?

Does obeying this law compromise Biblical Christianity?

Does wisdom have a place in this discussion?
Every city is different. Most have laws restricting "street preaching" or any kind of "public address" on private property. However, most places have laws that will allow street preaching if on public property. Sometimes they have guidelines such as you not being allowed to use bullhorns or sound systems. Many places will allow a church or body to reserve a public square or forum for their message. If you call your local law enforcement agency or go down to their office you can tell them what you're planning to do to ensure that you're within the law. Most street preaching materials I've studied advise that one keep their preaching to 30 or 40 minutes. Normally you're well on your way or leaving by the time authorities arrive, if they are called. Most street preachers don't go alone. Most go by twos at the very least. That way someone is in charge and can answer questions on the ground or pose defense of the preacher. I've read how law enforcement will often ask you to stop, in that case stop, and then go to the agency and get the details as to what was outside the law. Armed with knowledge street preaching can be done within the law.

I think that when street preaching one should have a "message". Just ranting about how your sinful listeners are going to Hell isn't very effective. Maybe you can address dead religion and the power of the Holy Ghost. I'd steer clear of hot button social issues and focus on the church and the Gospel. When I've street preached I've typically addressed the "lukewarm Christians" who are listening and challenged them to draw nearer to God. I think it's also nice if you're within a group to have those not preaching hand out literature, or offer to pray. If a body of water is nearby your message could focus on baptism and offer to water baptize those listening who feel it necessary to be baptized or re-baptized. I don't try to win them to my church congregation. I emphasize the "Kingdom of God" and make it personal and individual, strictly biblical, and being very drawn to house churching I emphasize that "church" cannot save a person. It has to be a living "relationship" with Jesus. I've seen people wear signs. I don't, but if I did I would put a message beyond "Turn or Burn" on my sign. I'd have something provocative such as "America's Addiction: Religion" or "Stop Going To Church: Be the Church".

Most American Christians don't "go to church" because they dont' like it and it doesn't fulfill their needs. Address these and admonish that they draw nearer to God. For the religious and church attending listeners admonish them to leave "religion" and get on board with Jesus. It could be a sure fire way to stimulate recognition of House Churching. If you're house church will meet at a coffee shop hand out information on time and place so that those listening can attend and participate in the discussion when you gather. It's not about numbers... it's about reaching the lost and advancing the Kingdom of God.

Last edited by Aquila; 01-21-2010 at 10:58 AM.
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Old 01-21-2010, 11:53 AM
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Re: Whatever Happened to the Street Preacher?

Originally Posted by Aquila View Post
Is Street Preaching biblical? Has the 21st century church become too comfortable and safe in our sanctified church buildings while multitudes are not being preached to?
After the passage of the landmark Mental Health Act in 1964, which deinstitutionalized many of the mentally ill, the numbers of "street preachers" rose dramatically. This was perhaps exacerbated by the prevailing liberal mores about drug use.

We've seen something of a decline in this type of outreach as the "War on Drugs" has driven so many street preachers underground. Also, the pharmaceutical industry's many new prescription alternatives have recycled the street preachers of the 1960s and 1970s into viable employment as computer software developers.
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Old 01-21-2010, 04:19 PM
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Re: Whatever Happened to the Street Preacher?

Matt. 6:5,6
5 And when thou prayest, thou shalt not be as the hypocrites are: for
they love to pray standing in the synagogues and in the corners of
the streets, that they may be seen of men.
Verily I say unto you,
They have their reward.

6 But thou, when thou prayest, enter into thy closet, and when thou
hast shut thy door, pray to thy Father which is in secret; and thy Father
which seeth in secret shall reward thee openly.

In this passage of scripture, it is speaking primarily about praying.
However, I believe that the motive in which we are praying, preach-
ing, giving, etc. is what is important. What is the reason we are out
on the street corners, etc.,. praying, preaching, etc., or in the church,
giving, etc. it should be to witness and tell of God's goodness, mercy,
etc. to glorify the Name of JESUS!

In the 1930's an old white-haired preacher from a neighboring city,
came through the very small town where our paternal grandparents
lived. He preached a message they had not heard before. It was re-
ported that approximately 1500 people came from miles and miles
around to hear this new message. There were people from different
religious backgrounds who came. Many came out of curiousity, and
this was the reason my paternal grandparents visited at the begin-
ning. Most did not go any further than to visit, but when this man
went from the street corner to a place behind the row of stores which
made up one side of the downtown area, Grandma continued to go
and hear this message.

The preacher now added a stock tank that he had hauled down to their
town to baptize new converts. The mode of baptism also was strange
to Grandma's church practice of sprinkling the converts. She listened
and then got mad, and began to search the scriptures to prove that
Pentecostal preacher wrong. Searching with an open heart, she indict-
ed herself.
Five generations later, our family still believes the message this old
white-haired preacher came preaching on a street corner in a
small north central TEXAS town in the early 1930's. Thank God!!

Any day now, our first little GREAT-Granddaughter will be born. This
little girl has come forth from the fifth generation of our family to follow
apostolic truth. She will begin the 6th generation. Her parents are both
strong on the same message that came to us by an old white-haired
man preaching on the street corner
in north central Texas in 1933!


Last edited by Falla39; 01-21-2010 at 04:22 PM.
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Old 01-21-2010, 04:47 PM
Aquila Aquila is offline

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Re: Whatever Happened to the Street Preacher?

Excellent post Sis. Falla!
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Old 01-21-2010, 04:59 PM
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Re: Whatever Happened to the Street Preacher?

Originally Posted by Jermyn Davidson View Post
Many areas have laws against it.

Some of my brothers have been escorted off the property of the Super Wal-Mart in Apopka.

Does anyone have a suggestion for Christinas who live in areas where "street preaching" is illegal?

Does obeying this law compromise Biblical Christianity?

Does wisdom have a place in this discussion?
The key here is "on the property of the Super Wal-mart in Apopka..." That's private property and you're not likely to be allowed to preach there under any circumstances. The same with other people's yards or parking lots.

The two keys to any street ministry are:

1) Keep on public property.

2) Do not block the flow of traffic, either in the street or the sidewalk.

I've been in circumstances where the cops were standing there ready to write up anyone who blocked the sidewalk. In other cases, the cops were usually supportive and enjoyed hearing the music.

"Street preaching" is not illegal anywhere in the United States as long as those two conditions are met. There may be additional concerns if you use amplification equipment however.
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Old 01-21-2010, 06:17 PM
PETER PETER is offline
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Re: Whatever Happened to the Street Preacher?

I have read that in some cities now that street preachers are actually arrested and criminal charges laid. It is more of an attack on Christianity than anything, and we Christians should shout from the rooftops how wrong that is. Where is the freedom of speech in that? It is assumed today that Christians today may offend other religions, or the non religious with our views, and we are too quiet when we are told to shut up. But looking at it from another angle, how powerful must the Christian message be when it invokes such responses? We all have to find a way to preach, if not on the street, then we must look for loopholes in the laws, or preach one to one, or one to a group in our homes, but we cannot stop the preaching and teaching, for God tells us to go into the world and preach, just find a way and do it.
Bro. Peter
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Old 01-21-2010, 06:23 PM
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Re: Whatever Happened to the Street Preacher?

Some years ago when I was attending the Carthage Apostolic Church we did a series of street meetings on Sunday afternoons.

We had a piano, we'd load on a trailer, then go into neighborhood that were on our bus route. We'd fan out and knock on doors inviting people to the meeting and give them literature telling about our church. Then we'd crank up the piano (we had it amplified) sing some songs, give some testimonies and then have about a 5 minute message. We would hand out literature and try to get some new contacts for workers to visit the following Saturday to get folks to church. I did some of the preaching but I don't remember having anyone respond to our invitation and come forward for prayer. I don't know how many (if any) new people we got through that effort. We did it for several weeks one summer.
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Old 01-21-2010, 06:26 PM
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Re: Whatever Happened to the Street Preacher?

I remember reading about some of the Teen Challenge street meetings in NYC. They said the altar call might take 45 minutes for folks to come down from the rooftops and down fire escapes to kneel on the sidewalk and open up their lives to Jesus. Lives were changed. People became new creatures right there on the streets.
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Old 01-21-2010, 06:29 PM
Aquila Aquila is offline

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Re: Whatever Happened to the Street Preacher?

Originally Posted by PETER View Post
I have read that in some cities now that street preachers are actually arrested and criminal charges laid. It is more of an attack on Christianity than anything, and we Christians should shout from the rooftops how wrong that is. Where is the freedom of speech in that? It is assumed today that Christians today may offend other religions, or the non religious with our views, and we are too quiet when we are told to shut up. But looking at it from another angle, how powerful must the Christian message be when it invokes such responses? We all have to find a way to preach, if not on the street, then we must look for loopholes in the laws, or preach one to one, or one to a group in our homes, but we cannot stop the preaching and teaching, for God tells us to go into the world and preach, just find a way and do it.
Bro. Peter
Most street preachers, if arrested, are only charged with misdemeanor charges that are eventually dropped at arraignment. Some preachers preach "hot button" messages that are just insulting and insight persecution. These are often charged with something a little more serious. Regardless...we must preach. Too many men want a pulpit and a safe cozy church to preach in. Jesus never called us to that. The modern institutional church was never NT vision. This is a Kingdom, not an organization... we are advancing a Kingdom, not membership in a local Sunday Club. It's time that Christians return to the Apostolic model of church, a church whose growth isn't determined by a building, parking, or any other concern. A church that can grow and advance in any neighborhood, the heart of any city, under any roof, in any establishment. Now it's time to get the message into the highways and byways. Americans know that "church" as they know it is a Sunday show and a farce whose design guzzles money to continue. That's why so many don't attend church. Now we need to awaken them to the fact that they are indeed right...and on the cutting edge of a reformation in which the Kingdom of God will become our soul desire. Too many institutional churches think they are the Kingdom... at best they are merely schools in the Kingdom. Sadly, few graduate. They are convinced that they must have their Sunday pep rally or they can't go on. Truth is... Jesus wants a relationship so deep and so intimate that we breathe the Word of God morning, noon, and night at all times. A relationship so intimate that wheresoever two or more are gathered, there, we are the church. Be it at the coffee shop, the restaurant, or our homes. Not a love of denomination and organization that requires a re-brainwashing every couple days.

All praise and glory be unto our God.
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