Originally Posted by DAII
Just like we say teaching in the ... the method is as good as the teacher ....
I think knowing your target community's demographics ... social dymanics and environment ... play an important way in which methodologies to implement.
As a person born and raised in New York City ... I can see how if implemented the right way ... this type of ministry would have a great impact ...
Scaring folks with wild expressions of worship on a street corner ... or hell and brimstone preaching ... as opposed to Wilson wearing a costume and befriending the kids in the community who are very mistrustful of strangers and would not go to a storefront church otherwise ... is "smart" evangelism.
The pedestrian traffic and social dynamics of a big city New York are different to a big city like Houston ... that is geographically spread out and.... although there are parts where there a large pockets of population .... doing a street service doesn't make much sense.
i agree! i think such models are probably alot more successful in high density population areas especially as long as there is more to them than just preaching at people in streets.
I remember last year i went to daytona beach FL. There was a church doing some
street preaching there. I'm not sure what kind it was but they definately didn't look apostolic. There was a big high school graduation going on in one of the buildings there. These people were by the
street near that building. I thought the whole thing was pretty rude. Not that they were interfering with the actual graduation. But preaching at people going to and from a graudation just isn't very considerate IMO. I think the whole thing probably hurt how most everyone perceived that church...