Genesis and the Law
Genesis is the first of the five books of the Law. The word Law being "Torah", which literally means instruction or guidance. Most of the Torah (Pentateuch) is found in Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy, which are heavily occupied with moral, ethical, civil, and ritual instructions.
Genesis, however, is entirely historical narrative. While it is certainly possible to derive guidance and instruction from historical examples, the inclusion of Genesis as part of "The Torah" implies a bit more than that. Or at least, it implies the histories contained therein are specifically designed to provide instruction (torah) in the same sense the rest of the Pentateuch does, though obviously not using the same mechanism (direct commands).
So how then is Genesis to be used to discover instruction? Without falling into the trap of "mere personal opinion" concerning the lessons and "law" found therein? In what way is Genesis part of the TORAH?