Originally Posted by Scott Hutchinson
This was a Sister with her hair up like the older sisters wear it and she was wearing fishnet type stockings.
That reminds me of a funny story.I am not about to allow Ashleigh who is ten to wear fishnet black stockings.She already wants high heels and has had a recent bad experience with talking her grandma into some which are up in the top of the closet stored away.When she approached me trying to get a black pair of fishnets at Walmart I took her aside and explained to her that she could not wear them as they looked like what bad ladies wear.If you wear them keep in mind you are not ten.She would wear them with red high heels.She needs her mother.Anyway we went to a pastors anniversary celebration and one of the ministers wives who I know well passed by and had some on.I though Ashleigh would faint from the shock.I had to keep her from pointing it out.Her mouth was open as wide as possible.It was too funny.