The Christian Apostolic Church Universal (CACU) has an official toleration policy, which is a unique feature of our church. We recognize the fact that some brethren sincerely hold different beliefs in certain areas of the Bible, and for the sake of brotherly love and kindness to those who differ biblically in such matters, we have therefore created this official toleration policy.
The ChristianħApostolic Church (CAC) does not take any official position in some minor biblical ideas because they are not considered central to the Christian faith. Perhaps some members or ministers may disagree with us concerning how essential is correctness in the following doctrines and they are free to believe such thing, however they are not allowed to cause division or bring doctrinal quarrels into the church over such matters.
Any member or minister who disagrees with a minister who holds to any of the following beliefs is encouraged to discuss the issue with his minister with the clear understanding that The ChristianħApostolic Church (CAC) allows for freedom in such areas. Voicing disagreement in private with the minister is allowed, however voicing loudly disagreement or stirring up dissention or resentment in the church or among the church members is forbidden.
The ChristianħApostolic Church (CAC) has an official policy that there will be no retaliation, censure or negative action taken against any church members who in the spirit of gentleness submit their doctrinal disagreement thru official channels as long as such members be polite, respectful and avoid creating disunity or strife in the church and accept the decision of the local minister regarding such matter.
The ChristianħApostolic Church (CAC) does not believe adherence to any of following doctrines or their interpretation is a salvation issue. We do not demand or require that our members or ministers adhere to a certain position or doctrinal stances, however we do require that any dissenting person be polite, respectful and avoid creating disunity or strife in the church.
The ChristianħApostolic Church (CAC) allows for both interpretations; that the world was created in 6 literal 24 hours days or that the mention of 6 days is metaphorical language for long periods of time.
The Nephilim.
The ChristianħApostolic Church (CAC) allows for the two main interpretation of the sons of God mentioned in
Genesis 6; that some Angels forsook their heavenly habitation and attempted to corrupt the human race genes, by coming into the women of earth but were punished for their trespass by being reserved in everlasting chains under darkness unto the judgment of the great day or that the phrase the sons of God refers to the godly line of Seth.
The Flood.
The ChristianħApostolic Church (CAC) allows for both interpretations of the flood. That the language in the biblical text could be interpreted to mean that the flood of Noah was a local flood or that flood of Noah was indeed global.
The ChristianħApostolic Church (CAC) allows for financing of the local church thru both methods, that the finances of the church be generated should be thru tithes and offerings or thru what is called freewill offering. Whatever method of supporting the church is left up to the local minister and his board of supervisors to decide upon. Any member truly unable to contribute financially to the church shall be considered for financial relief thru the church charity service.
The ChristianħApostolic Church (CAC) believes that it is up to each local church to decide how to do its work of charity; however we do encourage the local churches to first take care of those of the household of faith and then those outside the church.
The ChristianħApostolic Church (CAC) allows for freedom of prophetic views; all prophetic views as long as they are biblically based are allowed to be considered. This allows for all types of Dispensationalism, Preterism, Pre-mid-post rapturism, and millennial views. There will be no litmus test regarding holding a particular prophetic view, to be considered for membership or a leadership position.
Military service.
The ChristianħApostolic Church (CAC) allows for military service and pacifism within its ranks. Military or law enforcement service is acceptable for any member to perform. However any member who sincerely feels it is against his convictions to serve in a combat capacity will be given a letter of exemption and full support from the church.
Officially adopted January 1, 2015
This document is subject to future revisions.