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Old 03-04-2024, 11:41 AM
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jediwill83 jediwill83 is offline
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Testimony and update.

Just copying and pasting a text I sent and just wanted to share. I want to encourage each and every one of you to lean into Him during your times of struggle and stripping. He will NOT leave you naked and destitute when you deal your Bread to the hungry during these times.

William King

Made it here around 10 last night. Working on unloading and organizing my stuff. Will be leaving wed to go to NC and will stay in air bnb for the visit and will head back to Tupulo after. Walking in some serious peace and Im watching some amazing doors open. I would not be able to walk in these blessings had I not "dealt my bread to the hungry" during this time of stripping. The Lord is about to bless in an incredible way and He already has. Im not walking in fear, anxiety or depression anymore or feeling overwhelmed about the future. I dont feel the chaos in my mind and the battle...I feel peace...and the peace alone is worth it and I am so very thankful. In the middle of these past few weeks I have been able to minister to my neighbor Abigail who is is the daughter of a woman I went to church with in Olla and her boyfriend Wayne. This started while I was in hours of prayer alone in my apt and on my porch. Id run into them and speak. The first time I really spoke to Wayne other than in passing I knocked on his door, he came out, stood with arms crossed over his chest, began to shake and weep and this total stranger unloaded his lifes trauma. Sexually abused, beat, turned into a drug addict by his parents who had him selling drugs at age 9 then turned him in. I loved this broken and fearful violent soul with the love of Jesus, unthreatened by his potential violence and instability knowing the peace that resided in me was calming the troubled soul within just by His words and presence. Hes spent years in jail and when Abby moved him in with her he had been staying in an old house with only his dog with no water for 6 months...the city had cut off his water. He was having to fill jugs at friends houses and shower there. This is a VERY broken man...VERY bad anxiety and PTSD. I loved and ministered to them freely in the middle of my pain, I let them "touch my wounds" and was vulnerable with my own pain and they knowing what I was experincing saw the Lord bring that change. This gave validation to my words when I ministered in the Holy Ghost. Had the suffering not existed, I would have never been able to minister through that...I gave/sold them enough things to fill their house. Wayne mentioned he needed tools. I grabbed a duffle and started filling it while he wept in my living room. I also gave him a air compressor that an Aarons customer had given me for free as thanks for me helping him load his washer and dryer. Wayne is the only one in his family that believes in God and he has been baptised and spoken in tongues. He told me that nobody had even just given him things like that for free and he knew that it came with no strings. Things mean nothing to me...I have always been drawn to people and ministering to them in their time of pain and need...thats where I find value. I did this not knowing that Waynes life is about to change forever. He has a lawsuit against cops that beat him horribly while handcuffed and on the ground and in 15 days...well...Wayne and Abby are about to never worry about money again...You do the math....the Lord already has....Before all this kicked off, the Lord promised me that I would be rewarded for faithfulness....you're about to see something miraculous....I can see my lifes path up to this point, the training, the leading, the chipping away of everything that wasnt Him, the conditioning of my heart to follow in His ways, the adjustment of my priorities, the generosity Ive had since I was a child where the riches and possessions in my life only held value in my eyes in the fact of how they were used to meet the needs of others and not just collecting dust to consume them upon my own lusts. In the midst of the stripping I am walking in divine blessing and favor, the old has been stripped, before the new robe is put on me by the Father. You've seen the signs, you KNOW He is doing something...and even if I never got a dime from this guy I am perfectly ok with that and I am at peace because I know when He wants to bless, He will tag in someone that WILL listen and obey. He will make the most improbable miracles come to pass that bypasses how conventional wisdom declares your blessings should be structured. We serve a God that was Manna and the Rock in the wilderness, Streams in the desert, beauty for ashes, strength for fear, restoration and increase in the face of the stripping and loss.

He brings LIFE where there is only death and Light in the middle of the darkness and when we allow ourselves to be broken in His hands, He blesses who is broken and uses what is left for His purposes. It is a fearful and blessed thing to be broken in His hands and I am forever grateful for it for in my brokeness I found healing, freedom and purpose. The 6 years of "heavy resistence" is declared over and I have found release from my burdens and I am the stronger for it. Christ is all.
Blessed are the merciful for they SHALL obtain mercy.
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Old 03-04-2024, 01:01 PM
coksiw coksiw is offline
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Re: Testimony and update.

That's a wonderful testimony, and terrible that some had been abused by the parents that way. Lots of kids introduced to drugs and adult sexual immorality at early age is heartbreaking.

So Wayne can't keep a job because of his anxiety and PTSD?
"The entirety of Your word is truth" (Ps 119:160)
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Old 03-04-2024, 08:51 PM
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jediwill83 jediwill83 is offline
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Re: Testimony and update.

Originally Posted by coksiw View Post
That's a wonderful testimony, and terrible that some had been abused by the parents that way. Lots of kids introduced to drugs and adult sexual immorality at early age is heartbreaking.

So Wayne can't keep a job because of his anxiety and PTSD?

No...he works. Deck hand on rig. Just a rough dude...trying to piece his life back together.
Blessed are the merciful for they SHALL obtain mercy.
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Old 03-04-2024, 09:39 PM
coksiw coksiw is offline
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Re: Testimony and update.

Originally Posted by jediwill83 View Post
No...he works. Deck hand on rig. Just a rough dude...trying to piece his life back together.
I hope he really clings on Jesus and his word. You are definitely set there by God for this hour of his life.
"The entirety of Your word is truth" (Ps 119:160)
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Old 03-05-2024, 05:19 PM
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jediwill83 jediwill83 is offline
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Re: Testimony and update.

Originally Posted by coksiw View Post
I hope he really clings on Jesus and his word. You are definitely set there by God for this hour of his life.

He always brings me the broken...
Blessed are the merciful for they SHALL obtain mercy.
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