Many years ago before there were asphalt roads in this area of Brazil I visited the Indians of this fact I stood before them as they were at war with a neighboring tribe and told many of them about the love of Jesus through their chief who interrupted for me.... then I went over to the other tribe and told them about our Jesus through their chief.
They were naked...painted with war paint...many had spears and arrows in their hands or nearby...there was much unrest.
I will not go into the long story but after spending a few days in that area the day I was to leave I was standing on a little bridge looking down watching the water when a canoe with two Indians sailed by...I had only learned one word in their language. GOD...TUPA...I looked to the heavens and cried out weeping...OH.... TUPA if you do not send a missionary to these people they will never know...
I weep till my strength was gone...then sat down on the little bridge and wept some more...but responsibilities called me and I had to return home...many days at that time bus ride...
For the next years many of my waking thoughts was the Indians that dwell in darkness by the river and in the jungles...
Prayer is not in vain...we raised many kids...and today one of the boys we raised is the missionary there...Our son Arlei.
Last night in the service 7 Indian chiefs were present. 20 more Indians received the Holy Ghost. We have several churches in that area and are in the mist of building a headquarters church by Faith.
Often the lips that pray the prayers may be closed by death but prayers are Always before the throne. What a privilege the Lord has let me live long enough to see this prayer answered. I am blessed.
This is our son Raul preaching and visiting our son Arlei and the northern work.
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