My name is Jonathan Rios, and I go to Calvary Life Tabernacle in Galt, California.
I have been living in Galt most of my life until I joined the Active Army in 2007, of January.

I am now 24 years old and out of the Army, and battling HARD to receive the Holy Ghost. I have been going to church my whole entire life and tried many times, and it is very very hard for me because there is a fierce confidence issue I am battling with. I love the lord with all of my heart and I am wanting to be an example for outreach in the Galt California area. Our oneness pentecostal church is very very small and it is the only oneness church in my city, I am strong guessing. The population here is reaching over 20,000 people and there are so many lost souls drving passed the church. There has been a research study on teen's and they are leaving church after high school more than ever before. It is harvest time and I am trying to develope a passion for reading god's word, but I have a hard time and no desire for it. I even try to do it anyhow and shout the words out loud but it has been a battle I have been facing for 5 1/2 years now.
Let me get down to why I joined these forums.
I joined because I have a video on YouTube I posted with Brother Willoughby preaching a powerful message located here
I am currently educating others and learning things myself on how to convert DVD's to Computer Format and than splitting them up into 10 minute segments with Adobe Premiere and uploading them to YouTube.

I can ramble for a decade so I will cut this one short.
Brother Willoughby as you know is a powerful minister, and he had recently lost his wife. And he is battling with her loss and the cancer he is facing aswell.
From what I understand is that he cannot walk. I know him to be as spiritually powerful as Brother Stoneking. I didn't find out about any of Brother Willoughby's conditions or his present life conditions until only a few minutes ago. I hope he can experience a healing like god healed Brother StoneKing. We all know that Jesus doesn't look at anybody differently and that he is inside of us and we must do what he does. But I love Pastor Willoughby, he is very powerful and inspiring to me. There is an overwhelming shock over me right now. I hope you all visit my video on YouTube, and NO I am not trying to gain any reputation. I do have a business and a website and I want it to have no involvement with my outreach desire. Hallelujah.
God Bless You All!