
07-14-2008, 08:16 PM
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Join Date: Oct 2007
Posts: 356
Narrow is taking Questions.
I am hoping that this will be a controlled thread. I was posting on a thread recently and because of the amount of questions I could not get to them all. Then I was labeled as someone who dodges questions. This is not the case at all. I would answer a question and by the time I had submitted the post, there would be 3 or 4 responses to my last post (all with more questions) that I just could not keep up. I will say right off the bat, I do not want this to become a mud slinging contest. Let's keep this fight in the ring (just an analogy). I am going to tell you right off the bat, I can take a punch. I am not easily offended (psalm 119:165) Do I get fired up? Sure. Don't we all? Have I got in the mud and started swinging myself? Sure. We all have. If we could have someone keep track of the unanswered questions that will be great. I will not dodge your question. I will tell you how I feel about a subject and in most cases provide scripture with my answer.
I will be up front and say that I do not have it all figured out. I may sound arrogant at times but I am not that way. Those who know me know that I am humorous but not arrogant. Confident? Yes far too confident. I am very comfortable in my own shoes. Am I perfect? No. The bible says that all have sinned and come short of the glory of God. I am a sinner saved by grace. I have a desire in my heart to be more holy. I want to be more like Jesus. Be ye holy for I am holy.
I am going to tell you from the start that I believe a man can preach against short sleeves, slits, short dresses, & low necklines. I believe he can preach against Television, Video, and the Internet, and still go to hell because he is not holy on the inside. The Bible says to speak the truth in love. This does not mean that he is wrong for preaching against these things. Don't throw the baby out with the bath water.
Many want to use this against conservatives because we have been painted with a broad brush as mean, and hateful. What happens, many times, is people get under conviction because of something that was preached. It does not agree with the flesh and so the devil gets in their head and tells them that the preacher is a control freak and a dictator and therefore nothing he says should be obeyed. Then they get on here and say: so in so preached against this, or that. Then everybody laughs and says that the man is ignorant and unlearned, when they really do not know the devils that this man may be fighting in his church.
If you have a conviction that is stronger than mine, I will not bash you and call you judgmental. Maybe it is something that I need to pray more about. I hope you would have the same attitude towards my convictions. Remember: HEAVEN IS CHEAP AT ANY COST. If you want to use the internet as a weapon against my stand on television that is fine, just know off the bat that we have some of the strictest guidelines you will find for the internet and they are enforced in this house. Besides what I post right here the internet in this house is used for work purposes. Only on occasion something will be looked up for reference. Or if there is a chore that can only be carried out on the internet. The internet is intertwined into our lives, it must be used as a tool only. I would say the only exception would be a public forum like this one. This allows us to have accountability unlike social networking such as my space, my world, xania, etc. Many men including my pastor know my screen name and I am accountable to them. If I am in error, they will let me know.
I will be honest and say that this is a bad time for me to be starting this thread but I am going with it anyway. I am very busy and will not be able to post very often. I am not going to answer 100 questions a day. I might answer 2 or 3 every couple of days if that (subject to change, lol). Simplistic questions might get answered pretty quick. If you submit a 10 cent question, you will get a 10 cent answer, but if you submit a $100 question I will try to give you a $100 answer.
I do have rules. (off course I do, I am conservative, lol)
You can ask a question, and after I respond you can respond back to me, I will then respond 1 more time. That's it.
All questions will not be answered. Like, Who are you?
If you have a long post, please Highlight your real question.
No more than 2 questions in a post.
I know that I am not supposed to make any thread rules but I think we would all agree that these are needed in order for this to remain somewhat civil.
Remember, If you don't agree with my response, don't get mad. If you are confident in how you live, then don't let me get under your skin.
I will probably be sarcastic at times because I can't help it, LOL
I have a sense of humor, and I can take a joke myself even if I am the recipient of the punch line.
If you are a conservative feel free and respond yourself to these questions.
I need all the help I can get. LOL
We are certainly out-numbered around here.
Be patient in getting your answers. Like I said I am going to do this slowly.

07-14-2008, 11:23 PM
Pot Stirrer
Join Date: Nov 2007
Posts: 6,102
Re: Narrow is taking Questions.
Originally Posted by Narrow Is The Way
I am hoping that this will be a controlled thread. I was posting on a thread recently and because of the amount of questions I could not get to them all. Then I was labeled as someone who dodges questions. This is not the case at all. I would answer a question and by the time I had submitted the post, there would be 3 or 4 responses to my last post (all with more questions) that I just could not keep up. I will say right off the bat, I do not want this to become a mud slinging contest. Let's keep this fight in the ring (just an analogy). I am going to tell you right off the bat, I can take a punch. I am not easily offended (psalm 119:165) Do I get fired up? Sure. Don't we all? Have I got in the mud and started swinging myself? Sure. We all have. If we could have someone keep track of the unanswered questions that will be great. I will not dodge your question. I will tell you how I feel about a subject and in most cases provide scripture with my answer.
I will be up front and say that I do not have it all figured out. I may sound arrogant at times but I am not that way. Those who know me know that I am humorous but not arrogant. Confident? Yes far too confident. I am very comfortable in my own shoes. Am I perfect? No. The bible says that all have sinned and come short of the glory of God. I am a sinner saved by grace. I have a desire in my heart to be more holy. I want to be more like Jesus. Be ye holy for I am holy.
I am going to tell you from the start that I believe a man can preach against short sleeves, slits, short dresses, & low necklines. I believe he can preach against Television, Video, and the Internet, and still go to hell because he is not holy on the inside. The Bible says to speak the truth in love. This does not mean that he is wrong for preaching against these things. Don't throw the baby out with the bath water.
Many want to use this against conservatives because we have been painted with a broad brush as mean, and hateful. What happens, many times, is people get under conviction because of something that was preached. It does not agree with the flesh and so the devil gets in their head and tells them that the preacher is a control freak and a dictator and therefore nothing he says should be obeyed. Then they get on here and say: so in so preached against this, or that. Then everybody laughs and says that the man is ignorant and unlearned, when they really do not know the devils that this man may be fighting in his church.
If you have a conviction that is stronger than mine, I will not bash you and call you judgmental. Maybe it is something that I need to pray more about. I hope you would have the same attitude towards my convictions. Remember: HEAVEN IS CHEAP AT ANY COST. If you want to use the internet as a weapon against my stand on television that is fine, just know off the bat that we have some of the strictest guidelines you will find for the internet and they are enforced in this house. Besides what I post right here the internet in this house is used for work purposes. Only on occasion something will be looked up for reference. Or if there is a chore that can only be carried out on the internet. The internet is intertwined into our lives, it must be used as a tool only. I would say the only exception would be a public forum like this one. This allows us to have accountability unlike social networking such as my space, my world, xania, etc. Many men including my pastor know my screen name and I am accountable to them. If I am in error, they will let me know.
I will be honest and say that this is a bad time for me to be starting this thread but I am going with it anyway. I am very busy and will not be able to post very often. I am not going to answer 100 questions a day. I might answer 2 or 3 every couple of days if that (subject to change, lol). Simplistic questions might get answered pretty quick. If you submit a 10 cent question, you will get a 10 cent answer, but if you submit a $100 question I will try to give you a $100 answer.
I do have rules. (off course I do, I am conservative, lol)
You can ask a question, and after I respond you can respond back to me, I will then respond 1 more time. That's it.
All questions will not be answered. Like, Who are you?
If you have a long post, please Highlight your real question.
No more than 2 questions in a post.
I know that I am not supposed to make any thread rules but I think we would all agree that these are needed in order for this to remain somewhat civil.
Remember, If you don't agree with my response, don't get mad. If you are confident in how you live, then don't let me get under your skin.
I will probably be sarcastic at times because I can't help it, LOL
I have a sense of humor, and I can take a joke myself even if I am the recipient of the punch line.
If you are a conservative feel free and respond yourself to these questions.
I need all the help I can get. LOL
We are certainly out-numbered around here.
Be patient in getting your answers. Like I said I am going to do this slowly.
Here's what I'm asking of you:
make a list of all you standards.
Tell us which ones are heaven and hell.
That will really get this debate going

07-14-2008, 11:34 PM
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Re: Narrow is taking Questions.
This is Talknet with Bruce Williams.
Next caller?

07-14-2008, 11:46 PM
Join Date: Mar 2008
Posts: 1,867
Re: Narrow is taking Questions.
Hi.....thanks for having me on your program.
Yes thank you......I'm calling in from Southern California.
Is it your belief that Conservatives (such as I) should always wear white shirts behind a pulpit? Do you believe wearing colored shirts is disrespectful as some have claimed?
....awaiting response.....

07-14-2008, 11:49 PM
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Join Date: Oct 2007
Posts: 356
Re: Narrow is taking Questions.
Originally Posted by StMark
Here's what I'm asking of you:
make a list of all you standards.
Tell us which ones are heaven and hell.
That will really get this debate going 
You want me to ruin this thread before we get out the 1st page don't you. LOL Not ready to go down that road. I really am wanting legitimate questions. I think there are some out there that really have sincere questions. Many people here know where I stand on several points so if I made a list we would just be re-hashing the old stuff. If I cover a Heaven or hell issue I want to be careful and use scripture. Obviously anything that anybody stands for has to be based upon scripture. The principle must be there.

07-15-2008, 12:05 AM
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Posts: 356
Re: Narrow is taking Questions.
Originally Posted by 1Corinth2v4
Hi.....thanks for having me on your program.
Yes thank you......I'm calling in from Southern California.
Is it your belief that Conservatives (such as I) should always wear white shirts behind a pulpit? Do you believe wearing colored shirts is disrespectful as some have claimed?
....awaiting response.....
Thank you 1st Corinth. In my opinion that would be a pastoral preference for his particular pulpit. Each individual pastor would have to answer that question. I for one always wear a white shirt to church, but it does not bother me if someone wears a colored shirt. I have been always taught to honor my neighbors landmark so if I am ever asked to preach in a particular pastors pulpit I want to make sure that my attire is respectful of his preference. Thank You very much. That opens up a line for tomorrows show...................
The doctor narrow show is sponsored by Van Husen, makers of fine shirts of all colors.

07-15-2008, 12:15 AM
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Posts: 178
Re: Narrow is taking Questions.
Originally Posted by Narrow Is The Way
You want me to ruin this thread before we get out the 1st page don't you. LOL Not ready to go down that road. I really am wanting legitimate questions. I think there are some out there that really have sincere questions. Many people here know where I stand on several points so if I made a list we would just be re-hashing the old stuff. If I cover a Heaven or hell issue I want to be careful and use scripture. Obviously anything that anybody stands for has to be based upon scripture. The principle must be there.
Okay,I'll take you up on your offer. Let me first preface by saying I'm not too fond of jewelry personally,but how do you come to the conclusion that all jewelry is forbidden in scripture and furthermore that it will send a person to hell even a wedding band? In the N. there are scriptures that teach moderation but there are no scriptures that declare it as a sin. In fact, there are scriptures in the O.T that speak very favorably of jewelry. How then can it all be evil?

07-15-2008, 02:15 AM
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Re: Narrow is taking Questions.
Originally Posted by Narrow Is The Way
Thank you 1st Corinth. In my opinion that would be a pastoral preference for his particular pulpit. Each individual pastor would have to answer that question. I for one always wear a white shirt to church, but it does not bother me if someone wears a colored shirt. I have been always taught to honor my neighbors landmark so if I am ever asked to preach in a particular pastors pulpit I want to make sure that my attire is respectful of his preference. Thank You very much. That opens up a line for tomorrows show...................
The doctor narrow show is sponsored by Van Husen, makers of fine shirts of all colors.
i hope this is not a TV show.

07-15-2008, 03:57 AM
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Re: Narrow is taking Questions.
Do you consider Christians who are ref'd to on here as "One-Steppers" to be saved brothers in the Lord?
Would you let an ex-gay man who has been completely delivered from gayness marry a lady in your church?
"The choices we make reveal the true nature of our character."

07-15-2008, 04:15 AM
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Re: Narrow is taking Questions.
Number 1: If you don't care to identify yourself what makes you so sure any of us would value your opinion over any other?
Number 2: Do you feel it is your duty/responsibility to use this forum as a means to convert those who are not conservative to your way of thinking/save us?
Blessings, Rhoni
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