Oh... okay. Someone sent me a link to a site that I won't link to. That site has a number of "letters" posted and numbers them 1 through 9. The following emails are 7 and 8. From the language it doesn't seem that the emails were private. I've deleted the personal email addresses and header info though for privacy.
Letters #7-8, Shaw/Paslay Letters:
-----Original Message-----
From: Rodney Shaw
To: Rodney Shaw
Sent: Wed, 26 Dec 2007 8:23 pm
Subject: Worldwide Pentecostal Fellowship
I am sending this note to minister friends and acquaintances in an attempt to learn more about the Worldwide Pentecostal Fellowship. You do not need to respond unless you have information or want to talk more about it. I used the blind copy feature to conceal your e-mail address, so please do not use "reply all" when replying.
We all have been asked to go to a meeting in Tulsa. I received the invitation in the mail, I have heard a lot of people talking about the upcoming meeting, and I have been asked by several if I will be attending. However, I don't know that anything I am hearing is complete or accurate. I'm not sure I understand what is going on. I tried to find this information online, but I could not. I e-mailed one of the brethren on the "Executive Committee" but did not receive a response. I'm just trying to discern the purpose and intent of the Worldwide Pentecostal Fellowship. I have heard a lot of chatter, but no official details. According to the mailout I received, the meeting is for "Mapping direction for a preferred Apostolic future." I am not sure I know what that means. A friend sent me the following link to a Web site related to the Tulsa meeting:
http://www.worldwidepf.com/page.php This website is for the Worldwide Pentecostal Fellowship, evidently the "fellowship" that is hosting the meeting in Tulsa. According to this website, there are several established committees and chairmen including home missions, foreign missions, ladies, and Bible quizzing.
There seems to be a lot of buzz about this meeting, but quite honestly, I don't know anything about it other than what the postcard stated. I'm not sure if I should attend such a meeting without knowing more about it. I am still trying to figure out the purpose of this meeting and how it relates to me. As I read the website, I was not sure what to expect in Tulsa. It appears that a fully functioning organization, called a "fellowship," is being established as an alternative to the UPCI. I have some questions about the upcoming meeting in Tulsa. If you or your friends can enlighten me, I would be glad to know more. I don't mind you passing these questions on to your friends.
1. Why was the Worldwide Pentecostal Fellowship formed? Who formed it?
2. Who has funded the endeavor thus far?
3. What is the intent and purpose of the Worldwide Pentecostal Fellowship?
4. How were the committees appointed? What is the term of service for committee members? What is the process for selecting future committees?
5. How does this fellowship and its "committees" relate to the United Pentecostal Church and its ministries, e.g., youth, world missions, home missions, ladies, quizzing, etc.?
6. Is membership, if there is such a thing, exclusive? In other words, can a person participate in the fellowship and hold license with the UPCI?
7. How does one become an active member of the Worldwide Pentecostal Fellowship? Is there an application, affirmation of a doctrinal statement, or a "license"?
8. Will the fellowship ever license or ordain ministers?
9. What is the intent of the meeting in Tulsa?
10. How was the mailing list compiled? Were only UPCI ministers included or is this a broader appeal to other Oneness organizations? Is the reason for using a UPCI mailing list for the purpose of soliciting UPCI ministers to leave the UPCI?
I suppose my biggest question, based on the content of the Web site, is why haven't answers to these obvious questions been disseminated already?
Hopefully I haven't taken too much of your time. I'm just trying to figure out what the Worldwide Pentecostal Fellowship is and what the meeting is about. I'm not sure if I should attend. I don't attend many conferences. I appreciate your time.
-----Original Message-----
Sent: Wed, 26 Dec 2007 9:23 pm
Subject: Re: Worldwide Pentecostal Fellowship
Dear Bro. Shaw,
Thanks for an awesome e-mail. I am honored that I am not in the loop on this subject. I want to be perceived as loyal and confident in the future of the greatest vehicle for Apostolic evangelism in the history of the world, the UPCI.
Your questions and observations are outstanding and in fact should be answered before considering attending the "summitt" in Tulsa. I can answer the question as to why the meeting; it is to form another organization. The intent was well set prior to resolution #4; that's the only way you could have leadership/committees in place before your first conclave. In that context it is a sham to portray this meeting as a time of discovery, the mission was undertaken while holding credentials as alleged members of the UPCI. The spirit at its core is one of division and an agenda that is self-serving and self-promoting.
The root here is one that if placed on a local church would be viewed with profound judgement against the intent to split a body of believers. I marvel that leaders would participate and facilitate such action when their local leadership demands and is effective in the context of absolute control and zero tolerance for anything less than total submission. Pastors/ministers have forgotten that you do reap what you sow. They have sown to the wind; they will reap the whirlwind.
There is no Missions piece to this agenda. The inclusion of Bible Quizzing is a travesty. They have claimed this noble vehicle of the UPCI; subjected youth to the open judgement of brethren as unworthy of fellowship and then used these precious youth as a human shield for their agenda of division, distraction and disruption. As a survivor of a horrific church split, it sickens me to see young people subjected to this practice of deeming some parts of the church as less holy than other elements.
I welcome further inquiry or dialogue. I cherish our friendship and honor you as co-laborer and man of destiny. I join you in prayerful concern as to the true agenda and veiled reality that eludes the invitation and the information included.
Norm Paslay II