The Bible has no prohibition against facial hair and no prohibition against shaving off a facial hair. Not one verse telling men they are an abomination for not having a beard or having a beard. This and the
Deuteronomy 22:5 thread are like comparing lemons and bowling balls.
Now that consapente89 mentioned some who God told them to call on Norelco. I have a few stories one has to do with a Cuban brother of mine who had the biggest moustache. We were in prayer meeting and he was hit hard with the Holy Ghost. Power of God was all over him (
if you don't know what I'm talking about then go to an Apostolic church and find out) we had a great prayer meeting. The next time I saw him he was clean shaven. Personally I was shocked, I looked at my wife and her eyes were as big as Kennedy half a dollars. I asked him what happened? Where was the cookie duster? He told me without blinking an eye, and told me Jesus dealt with it in the prayer meeting. Now I was puzzled because there isn't a prohibition against facial hair nor is their an admonition to have facial hair. So, I mentioned this to my pastor, and some other elders.
The issue that this brother had, had little to do with the moustache. But with pride concerning the moustache. I remember we were in a Bible study years before this event. The Bible study was about forgiveness, and self sacrifice. Well, this brother leaped up and told everyone that he would NEVER shave off his lip cover. All 50 of us looked at him and shrugged our shoulders, with Mr Spock puzzled looks. He then proclaimed
"my moustache is ME man!"
I remember a older sister replying to him
"well that so sweet, why don't you sit down and join us"
So many things happen to us personally on so many levels when we allow the conviction of Jesus Christ to deal with us. Jesus is our pastor and He knows how to get the job done. I'm not called to go 500 pages with Aquila, to me it is like having a comic book collection, or Hot Wheels collection or even coins. It is somewhat relaxing to a point. But you always have to keep in mind that the person you are going round and round the mulberry bush with, is not going to change their position. They're convinced, signed, sealed, and delivered.
Only Jesus can change a heart, or close it shut. I just call'em like I see'em. Someone believes
Deuteronomy 22:5 is about a pagan religious ceremony? Who am I to change their mind, they have far more bigger fish to fry in their skillet then if a woman can wear a pair of seal skin pants.
2017 we are heading towards 2018. This place is sinking like proverbial Atlantis. The amount of perversion is rolling its tentacles around the throat of Christendom of this country. I will never forget the time Pastor Keith McCann made a statement which went like this,
"the Russian Orthodox clergy were arguing about the length of tassels on their robes. When the Communists took over the country" At that point I realized that the amount of Christians on these forums who really care are slim to none. Flamethrowing red hot Holy Ghost services are cooling down. Prayer rooms have more brooms, buckets, then weeping and snotting. Had an amazing service today, troubled teens getting blessed by the move of the Holy Ghost. Maybe one will catch a vision and go forward. My main scope of work is my city and county. If I can help my brothers around the country or around the world. But as far as forum crusading goes we just post what we believe and fly it up the flagpole. If it gets a thumbs up then hip hip hooray. If it gets attacked then on with the show. But when all is said and done we will all have to give an account for everything we have done. If we were a help or a hindrance.
Transgender United States of America and we go 600 posts on
Deuteronomy 22:5. Good God from Zion.
We did more than blow the engine on this one.