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Old 11-23-2010, 08:18 AM
coadie coadie is offline
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Re: Gays and Children

A study of 518 sexually-tinged mass murders in the U.S. from 1966 to 1983 determined that 350 (68%) of the victims were killed by those who practiced homosexuality and that 19 (44%) of the 43 murderers were bisexuals or homosexuals.(2)

Compared to male homosexual 'on-going partnerships,' of which at least 2.0% experienced violent abuse from an intimate in the past year, married men who are not separated are at least 25 times less apt to be domestically attacked than a homosexual male in an 'on-going relationship.' Even if we include all married and separated husbands, the risk of domestic violence in a male-male homosexual relationship is still at least 18 times greater.
Domestic violence is very common in gay households. It is not politically correct to publish these facts and studies.
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