This entire debate is a debate of Biblical authority and inerrancy, no matter how many times theistic evolutionists deny that. The FACT of the matter is that if there are errors in the Bible, yet one still accpets it as the word of God, then EVERY passage is debateable as to whether it is truly God's Word, or simply mans opinion.
To quote John MacArthur to Hugh Ross "If you don't believe
Genesis 1, exactly where do you jump in?
Genesis 3,
Genesis 6? At what point to you begin to believe the scripture"
As I've said before If we can't be sure of the creation story, and in fact hold it as an impossibility, using that same hermenutic, what keeps us from denying:
-The existence of a literal Adam & Eve (huge reprocussions to the gospel, see
Romans 5)
-How sin entered the world (and also death)
-the Flood (which Pel you already deny also, if I'm not mistaken)
-Sodom & Ghomorrah
-Lot's Wife
-The battle of Jericho (walls falling down flat)
-Elijah on Mount Caramel
-the virgin birth
-the resurrection
Basically the SAME logic and hermenutic used to DENY the authenticity of
Genesis 1 can be used anywhere else in the Bible for anything else we want to apply it to, until we end up with the same ideas that Not4Sale has, that the bible is full of errors and mans interpretaions, so we pick and choose what is God's word, and what ins't. Its post modern secular christianity. Everything is relative to the reader of the text, and there is no absolute truth.
People who make these claims, CLAIM to believe in an absolute truth, but how, and using what logic?
Genesis 1 is in error, how can we believe that Jesus endorsed the beginning as being with Adam & Eve. Especially those who don't even believe there was a man called "Adam"? So then how can we be sure that that scripture is true? In fact how can we know Jesus said ANY of those things attributed to him? Now because of our skepticism we go Thomas Jefferson on the Bible, not literally, but the way we interpret it. WE decide which content is true, and which content is false.
Again, this isn't about creation and evolution, it is about Biblical inerrancy and authority. Just call a sapade a spade.