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Old 05-03-2007, 01:18 AM
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Felicity Felicity is offline
Step By Step - Day By Day

Join Date: Feb 2007
Posts: 6,648

I've had "fences" on the brain (for some reason) for the last day or so: the importance of them, the value of them, the upkeep of them, the building of them, etc.

There are fences that need to be maintained, inspected, repaired when or if damage occurs in order to keep those things that would negatively affect our walk with God at bay. On the other hand, there are fences that need to be destroyed or torn down if they're keeping us from reaching our potential in Christ and receiving everything we have access to as a result of being His child and heir.

We balk sometimes at the idea of being "fenced in" and resent the idea that we're not free to go and do what we want where we want and how we want .... when all the time those fences are for our own protection and our own good.

Wander outside, tear them down, climb over them, crawl under them and you may find yourself in a place where the hounds of hell will run you down and devour you.

More to come on ........ "fences". Stay tuned.
Smiles & Blessings....
~Felicity Welsh~

(surname courtesy of Jim Yohe)
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