Originally Posted by Owl
Those are great points, Renda.
My dissatisfaction has nothing to do with the fact that there truly is a need for missions giving. It has more to do with the fact that a missionary insulted one of the most giving nations in the world and all of the hard-working Apostolics in it. She insulted the very nation most responsible for her continued ability to preach in Brazil.
No one is holding a gun to her head. A missionary becomes a missionary by choice. The martyr shtick wears thin, especially when it is slathered with excessive amounts of gooey guilt.
The light of American Christianity was once a bonfire. It has now faded to a smoldering flicker. America is in desperate need of evangelism, or she will soon become as dark as Europe.
Shame on you, Owl.
The truth is, that while Americans DO give huge amounts of money to charitable and mission-oriented causes, we do NOT give as much as we could. Nor do we suffer poverty the way that those in third world countries suffer poverty. When we "give till it hurts", truthfully we are
not hurting, and we still have our needs (and our families' needs) met.
The TRUTH is, only those who have sacrificed everything for the sake of the kingdom will understand these sorts of posts. Missionaries definitely endure more hardship and SEE more hardship than your average American Christian. Therefore, I respect what missionaries have to say, assuming that they have more experience with these things than I do.
The TRUTH is, we give to missions and charities, but we most DEFINITELY could be giving more.
The TRUTH is, we give our dollars, because sometimes that alleviates the guilt we feel for not actually DOING anything.
The TRUTH is, if something that was posted bothers you that much, maybe it isn't the speaker's motives you should be analyzing.
The TRUTH is, there's nothing productive in you coming here and maligning a very dear woman, simply because you felt a little guilt when you read her posts. Perhaps you should take that guilt and do something with it.
The TRUTH is, if you get out and start making concerted efforts to evangelize and do outreach, you will be unpleasantly surprised at how FEW American Christians really want to get their hands dirty. (statistically speaking) They
might be willing to donate money to your cause--just so they don't have to wash their hands later.
You should be absolutely ashamed of this thread, Owl.