Originally Posted by coadie
When God said
31And God saw every thing that he had made, and, behold, it was very good. And the evening and the morning were the sixth day.
I take it you do not understand evolution. You do seem to understand speciation. But that creates no new structures. Evolution has said that it is by reason of mutations that we have change over time. Of course out of 800,000 mutations, 1 is beneficial. The rest are detrimental and out of those most are fatal.
No one can show a way in which a 3 chamber heart can in a single step scoot the pulmonary artery to the aorta without killing the animal. But they say 4 chambered hearts came from 3 chambered hearts.
I can from memory give dozens of impossiblilties in evolution. The Darwinists do not have the fossils to prove what they claim.
Evolutionists argue life came from non life.
It has never been observed.
Originally Posted by Mr. Smith
You are, however, unable to correctly use commas. But yeah, go ahead with your memorized dozens of impossibilities. I'll wait.
Yeah really. coadie, help your readers a bit. I missed some important things that you said here.
This is not a contest. This is a discussion. If you need time to type it out - take the time. I'm not going to boast about a "victory" just because you didn't respond within 5 minutes of my last post.
And, we did the "quote from memory thing" remember? None of your examples were valid and you failed to answer what I posted about showing several clear examples of biological evolution.
For example... what about this "four chambered heart" thing that you just brought up again? You said that there was "no way" that it could have evolved from "simpler" hearts like the amphibians. Right now my nephew is being held up in prayer in several Apostolic churches because he has essentially a three chambered heart.
The cause of this birth defect is fairly well know and it involves the suppression and expression of various enzymes as described in the links I gave you. By "the roll of the dice" this little guy suffers from something that could have afflicted any one of the rest of us. It was random chance involving the expression of a gene during fetal development.
Please respond to that. Take your time. Take a few days, it's no big deal. We also covet your prayers.