Originally Posted by faithit166
the bible states acts 2;38 repent and be baptized everyone of you in the name of jesus christ for the remission of sins and recieve ye the gift of the holy ghost,notice repent and be baptized for the remission of your sins we have two things here to do,if we repent and do not get baptized (in water)then we have not done what we were told to do therefore how are our sins remitted
i know that verse just as good as any apostolic, the problem comes is they make Gods salvation turn into a process and then if anyhting happens out side of the process it is not of God
that is like saying well God womnt tbaptize you with His spirit until you repent and get baptized.
but we both know People have been baptized with the Holy Spirit, recieved the promise before even getting into the water.
again I have already stated the scriptures with the Holy Spirit and the seal