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Old 08-17-2010, 03:49 PM
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Re: TB has LS preach Holy Magic Hair again!

Originally Posted by Rob McKee View Post
Just signed on and saw my name & FB post copied...I thought to respond...then I thought better...but I went with my first thought...LOL

(Of course it's silly to argue this point with people that no longer believe it's wrong for women to cut their hair...but here goes my handful of pearls..."sooooo-ee").

* Lee Stoneking doesn't believe in Holy Hair. To keep saying this means you are deaf, sower of discord or happy being ignorant. Bro Stoneking has answered this nonsense so many times. I have always had trouble with bullies and gossips. I don't like seeing the judgmental attitude that some have manifested in "going after" this good man. If that shoe were on your'd die of gangrene in a week. Many of you have felt the pain of judgment and slander, yet you are doing it yourself. "Abstaining From Gossip" is one of our 4 requirements for membership @ POK. I know this doesn't apply to everyone. I've been very respectful of others views on this forum. I will continue to do so...There are some kind-hearted people on this forum...unfortunately... they are not alone. I respect that some of you are passionate about holding onto Biblical doctrine. Our age is full of churches preaching a slimy "non-doctrine". Jesus described "many" that will come at judgment who were "Pentecostal-like" yet were not in covenant with Him. In this "I'm-a-friend-of-God" generation many have stopped reading their Bibles. Jesus said "Ye are my friends, if ye do whatsoever I command you." (John 15:14) At the end of time we will be judged by our faithfulness and obedience to God's commandment. Good intentions have nothing to do with salvation. If you are passionate about scripture...passionate about obeying God's Word...I'm with you. If you are going after a man that's said he doesn't believe this doctrine...I'm against you. The clip is being taken out of context. Bro Stoneking is being taken out of context and slandered. The root behind it isn't a desire for righteousness but bitterness over past hurt by men. This bullying crusade against Bro Stoneking is not advancing anyone's cause. This continued accusation would qualify for a few of the 7 things God hates (Prov 6...I think).

* Max, You re posted my are fast...someone even became my friend to copy my comments. It must have been a very big deal for you. I apologize if I've offended you or anyone else. Please forgive me.

* The internet is too permanent of media to be careless with your words. We must all use wisdom. I didn't mean to post it to my facebook profile anyway. It was automatically posted when I commented on the YouTube video. I should have emailed my comments to those who had questions privately. I posted them publicly because I didn't want them (or on-lookers) to misunderstand why I pulled the video down. I do believe strongly in the doctrine of separation.

God bless you guys...
The Lord is coming soon...let's keep our net from breaking...
Rob McKee
There are many here that still believe a woman should not cut her hair or should let her hair grow long. However, what LS teaches about a woman's uncut hair, angels and power is unscriptural.

He has in the past resorted to quoting sources on witchcraft in order to support this view. That is a fact heard with our own ears. He has since, to our knowledge, no longer quote those sources.

He has in the past and still does resort to "stories" he claims to have heard and repeated for the listening audience to reinforce his teaching about a woman's uncut hair having power through stories of ladies laying their hair on people for healing, holding up their hair to God in prayer as some sort of spiritual trump card to remind God He owes her an answer because she did not cut her hair and various other stories related to a woman's uncut hair and miracles. That is a fact heard by our own ears and he has not since distanced himself from doing that

He has taught that a woman's uncut hair provides angelic protection for her family. Making the man, the head of the household nothing more than a spiritual wimp.. That second sentence is my assessment of what he preaches

He has wrongly quoted sources like the ISBE on veils and his greek scholarship is seriously suspect. He has not provided one greek lexicon that supports his interpretation of the passage in question yet he asserts it and the hearers never question it.

Again the issue is not uncut hair. The defenders of LS often resort to making it about uncut hair and not this false doctrine of attributing power to her uncut hair and power with angels to her uncut hair.

Even Daniel Segraves has attacked this doctrine for what it is, false.

I would welcome you, Lee Stoneking or any other supporter of his teaching to an open internet debate where everyone can read the results
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  1. There is One God. This one God reveals Himself distinctly as Father, Son and Holy Ghost.
  2. The Son is God himself in a human form or "God manifested in the flesh" (1Tim 3:16)
  3. Every sinner must repent of their sins.
  4. That Jesus name baptism is the only biblical mode of water baptism.
  5. That the Holy Ghost is for today and is received by faith with the initial evidence of speaking in tongues.
  6. The saint will go on to strive to live a holy life, pleasing to God.
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