Thread: I Love the UPCI
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Old 08-16-2010, 05:54 PM
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Re: I Love the UPCI

Originally Posted by John Atkinson View Post
Well you guys wanna pick bones, knock yerself out. Someone in the UPC hurt your feelings and you want to pitch a tent and camp there? be my guest.

I am sorta like the drill sergeant therapist in the new geico commercial..

If I had a quarter for every time in Navy boot camp Petty officer Marler or Chief Savaiinaia offended my sensibilities I'd be a millionaire.

I am really sorry, my tolerance for crybabies is 0. Cowboy up and live for God and stop whining.

I was a submariner and military before all the touchy-feely nonsense.

Grow up and get over it.

I'm sure this is a similar speech given when Jesus stood so strongly against the Pharisees.
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