Originally Posted by TheLegalist
TL, first, that doesn't change how refreshing his translation/paraphrase is. Second, your link proves nothing. You are Googling as many critiques as you can about The Message and dropping them off. I can do the same for any other translation. Take up the issue case-by-case. The link you sent sounds like paranoid fanatics to be honest. Very much creepy conspiracy clowns. It was also written in 1993. Here's a 2005 interview from Peterson that more accurately shows his "agenda":
Peterson doesn't even encourage churches to read The Message in lieu of another translation at times of official gatherings. In fact, he is quoted as saying he "winces" at that. However, where his vulnerabilities are of missing something, the overly literal-for-word are vulnerable in missing something as well. TM is the opposite end of the spectrum on the continuum of biblical translations.
The Book, The Jesus Way, by the way is a must-read. So many great reads.