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Old 07-22-2010, 11:01 AM
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Re: The Message Bible

Originally Posted by TheLegalist View Post
What we write creates images of doctrine when concerning religion. To say it's not a doctrinal paper is partly correct but parables are doctrinal as in what JESUS did! The doctrine that is spewed from that book is heretical and mocks God and his righteousness. It creates a false view of God's law and the NT teachings. HERECTICAL? You better believe it!

Also that reading Bible is pathetic and in many ways teaches incorrect usage of God's Word. It's not even a translation and at that not really even a paraphrase.
It is only pathetic and heretical to you because it doesn't conform to your indoctrination, and what you believe has to be true.

I have heard the author of the Shack speak, he says he is not teaching Universalism, even though I can see UR in the book. Nor his he saying the Father is a large black women, it is an allegory, that speaks to the hearts of many folks that have been terribly beaten up by this life.

In one sense, you would appear to be the Pharisees condemning the broken because they were not able to keep all their laws. The Message and the Shack would be like Jesus speaking to the woman about to be stoned after being caught in adultery.

We are so prone to see God as the dictating tyrant and miss the fact that He is the Heavenly Father, that will finally defeat all evil and restore all that He created.
For it is written, "As I live, says the Lord every knee shall bow to me, and every tongue shall give praise to God. (Romans 14:11- NASB)
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