Re: Fundamental Doctrine
The last two days I have been researching Arnolds Book and it appears that some of you have a point on how he presented his argument. He should not have made such sweeping declarations knowing that someone one day would discover how sloppy his research turned out. This in and of itself does not disprove my position. The Apostolic movement has had its records burned and destroyed throughout history. This was obviously the struggle that Dr. Arnold incurred in researching his material. I have always had a problem with people that use extra biblical material to prove biblical concepts. That is why we need to pay close attention to Scripture.
Getting back to the original issue at hand… I never considered my self a three stepper. I was saved 28years before I ever heard the term used. It is not a biblical term; neither is this “one stepper” term that is used. The reason I am not happy with this denial of the essentiality of the Holy Ghost and the baptism in Jesus Name is because it also denies the death burial and resurrection outlined in the Feasts of Israel. We enter that tomb with Christ in baptism; we are risen with Him by virtue of receiving the Holy Ghost. If this is not accomplished an individual will not inherit eternal life. That type was given on Mount Sinai to be fulfilled by Christ and the Church. The Feasts portray the harvests accomplished through their respective prophetic fulfillments (I.e. The harvest of souls). This protestant dogma inadvertently conveys everlasting life to those who do not enter into the ancient pattern of that which was established on Mount Sinai and fulfilled in the Church. In my estimation that cannot be easily overlooked.
This is a serious issue because I have a mandate to preach salvation as recorded by the Apostles. This is not about friendship or getting along. I’ve learned long ago that alliances are very fragile in our movement. I do not preach out of the upc manual I preach out of the word of God. The charters created by man are just that; man made Churches patterned after their own image.
Those who align themselves with Protestant dogma should at least honestly admit it. Please do not misrepresent it by saying that it is Apostolic. Peter never preached it and neither will I.
I know that my stand offends some but my intention is not to personally offend anyone. BTW I do not know anyone of you on this thread personally. I would discuss these issues with you as I would anyone else.
God Bless You All,
Last edited by pastor febus; 07-09-2010 at 05:06 PM.