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Old 07-09-2010, 05:46 AM
Barb Barb is offline
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Re: Fundamental Doctrine

Elder Febus...

As I stated in my post last night, I am what is lovingly referred to as a '3 stepper', though that is a misnomer. And though I have used Bro. A's book in the past to teach a continual line, with good conscience I can longer do so.

HOWEVER, I don't need proof for what I know in my heart. I cannot help but believe that there has always been someone who held to the Day of Pentecost revival experience, even if it was just one.

I wish I could back my inner being feelings with fact, but I cannot. But that does not make what I believe any less true to me.

I don't need hands-on proof in front of me to support my belief, any more than I need to adopt some unscriptural doctrine so I won't cut my hair.

Belief is a funny thing...if it is true to the individual, it may not be easily explained or transcribed in black and white. But if it is truth to them, people can discuss and debate until the end of time, but it won't change the heart of a believer.

I do not ridicule and falsely accuse others who do not believe it as I do. One of my favorite quotes is, For those who believe, no explanation is necessary. For those who do not, no explanation will suffice.

It makes life easier to adopt this view, and makes interaction with others less 'us' and 'them'...wouldn't you agree?!
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