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Old 07-08-2010, 10:51 PM
DAII DAII is offline
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Re: Fundamental Doctrine

Originally Posted by pelathais View Post
And yet "they" preserved the Cathari libraries? "They" preserved entire libraries of pagan documents, Druidic material, Tarot and astrological texts, volumes of Hebrew mystical lore and alchemy - but not a single record of a single "Oneness" Three Stepper?

We can delve into huge amounts of texts on the old pagan gods - Norse, Celtic, Greek, Roman - you name it. We have the Emperor Julian's (the Apostate) severe personal accounts of how he was going to wipe out the Catholic Faith. We have texts describing sexual congress between humans and animals and "demons."

We have a "wealth" (if it's "wealth" at all) of the most anti-Christian and Anti-Roman Catholic material imaginable - all carefully preserved for posterity. Yet, we have not one single scrap of evidence that a single "Three Stepper" ever existed for the vast, vast majority of the Church Age

The argument that you offer (with irony) just doesn't seem to hold up. Why was everything else of a "heretical" nature preserved but not the "Three Stepper" creed?
Not a single scrap much less a lineage.
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