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Old 07-08-2010, 09:36 PM
Barb Barb is offline
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Re: Fundamental Doctrine

Originally Posted by pastor febus View Post
This is smoke and mirrors guys. The main thrust of my post was not the writings of Marvin Arnold. The issue that you all have avoided was the compromised agreement of the upci at its inception and its connection to the Reformation.
To distill what you believe, correct me if I am wrong, are you are saying that Luther inadvertently rescued us?. I say this because I have read upc literature that alludes to his Reformation of the catholic church as the beginning of revival for the church (us).
Marvin Arnold correctly noted the persecutions of that period. Even if you want to believe what a disgruntled friend and those he may have not agreed with. Luther hated and persecuted oneness people, as did Calvin. These were not nice guys neither were they biblical Christians. Luther used filthy language in his writings especially against those who opposed him. I have read some of these passages.

I believe that the reason that Arnold is being discredited here is because his witness strikes to the core of the compromised gospel of the one stepper doctrine.
The one stepper doctrine can be traced to the reformation of the Catholic Church not the Apostolic church. Its roots are clearly Trinitarian, not biblical Christianity.
Arnold still troubles the waters for those who resist the truth, though he be dead and buried. RIP brother Arnold.
Excuse me, Elder, but this is WAY out of line!!!!

I posted on this thread, and I am a '3 stepper'...what does being a 1,2,3 stepper or any other stepper have to do with the book in question?

No one is trying to discredit Bro. Arnold. His work isn't factual...what can you say?

And as for your post about the merger, no one is avoiding anything. I believe I responded to that...the ball is now in your court, sir...
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