Originally Posted by JTULLOCK
Sorry for the delay in answering I was out on a date with my Wife and Daughter.
No we can't do anything we want too. It is not ONLY the exterior it is the evidence of what is shining the inside. I would not get a devil tattoo. That is not what is shining in me. If I got a tattoo for my wife, my daughter, or my faith it would be because that is what is shining in me. The key is motives which only God will know anyway. I do believe that God cares more about the condition of the heart because if the outside is clean, but the inside in rotten the home is not righteous. That being said there is no evidence of Biblical support against tattoos. I know about Leviticus which doesn't apply as NOW has already showed. Some people just hold to the old school mindsets.
Ok, why would you not get a devil tatoo? What if someone DID want a devil tatoo. I know a guy who says he's a Christian (would fit in with alot of folks here) who said he was going to shave his head and have devil horns tatooed on his head. He could grow hair to cover it up, or shave his head when he wanted them to show.
As for "old school" mindsets, that is simply an unfounded opinion. Because I'm not going to say "anything goes" if you want to tatoo a leaf on your arm, or a teardrop under your eye, or devils horn on your head, or tatoo your face like mike tyson, or tatoo your whole body (like the pic of the guy in this thread) well thats all right, God doesn't care. Whatever. Not everything that has ever been taught is 100% completely wrong.
The problem is, so many have come up under legalistic rules and never learned to live by Biblical principles, and now that many have shed that legalism they can't even comprehend principles.