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Old 06-25-2010, 11:11 AM
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Re: PO's Best Christmas Present EVER!!!!!

Originally Posted by Cindy View Post
HE won't care. And you should have it finished by the time he's old enough to..........

I'm going to paint a spotted puppy at the base of the tree, playfully wagging his tail at a bird perched on his dog pan. Yes, it might be done by the time he is two, at least! LOL!

Actually, I've been meaning to replace this door. I like solid inside doors, not these hollow doors. I have three more to replace. That's the reason I'm painting it. I have a place where I can sell the door when I'm finished with it.

Anyway, couldn't get away with this style in the brick home we moved out of. I would take wood or rock over brick any day. Don't care for brick at all. It always appears cold to me.
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