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Old 06-22-2010, 02:36 PM
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Re: Jeez ... we're going to spiritualize clothes t

Originally Posted by MissBrattified View Post
The only "spirit" was her attitude, which she accentuated (and revealed) with her clothing choices.

It bothers me that she interprets it to mean that there was a "spirit attached" to the black clothing. No, it was the attitude with which she put on the black clothing that was incorrect.


Clothing doesn't put a persona on us; it reveals the persona we already have.
I agree. It seems that she does reveal her "bad" spirit which subsequently leads her to select the outfits she has chosen. The "outward appearance" is often deliberately chosen to reflect what the wearer feels on the inside. I used to do this when selecting what tie to wear. Some moods called for a brighter presentation, usually however I was more "sedate."

The tie didn't make me feel any particular way. The way I felt determined the tie I chose. Silly, but there it is. I think these blogstresses might benefit from examining themselves in this light.

They advocate "looking like a Christian." I suspect they feel "like a Christian" in their hearts and thus seek to select their wardrobes accordingly. That's great.

Where they should be cautious however, is when they see another believer who perhaps doesn't fit their mold. There may be many forces at work here. It could be that the other believer's cultural views are simply different. It may be that they are consciously, or perhaps unconsciously, trying to send a "message." Or, as in my case, it may simply be sloth and not goth.

Whatever the circumstances - the blogstresses should seek to reach the heart, not the garment. Getting preachy about clothes creates a stifling atmosphere of legalism and oppression. It's better to lift up hearts toward our Savior. Save the sartorial and gossipy stuff for the mall rats.

Last edited by pelathais; 06-22-2010 at 02:39 PM.
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