Originally Posted by yisroelm
Friend your Mockery of Holiness standards of Dress have gone over the cliff this time ... I am not UPC , and I don't know Bro. Lee Stoneking. If you had a PURE, desire to correct others doctrinally you would not resort to the works of the flesh ie. your magazine cover with all of its anti- Holiness of Dress propaganda. You need to set down and Repent. When it is all said and done I pray that you have not been turned over to a Reprobate mind because you have believed the LIE that Dress does not matter.[ Deut. 22: 5; Isaiah 3:16-26; Jer. 4: 30; 1 Cor. 11-1:-16; 1 Tim. 2: 9-12; 1 Peter 3 :1-5.]
Can't agree more!! Thank you!