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Old 06-10-2010, 05:47 PM
matthouston matthouston is offline
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Re: church in houston is charasmatic

Originally Posted by ben.nebula View Post
on a sunday not to long ago i went to ... church in houston texas and he had women on his platform with cut hair signing and leading worship i was disgussted so i left and told one of the ushers that i did not go to or attend carasmatic church's and they told me that i was welcome to LEAVE what if i had been a sinner and needed GOD??? they also had to many lights and loud sound it was like a concert in there no way you can have a move of GOD in a auditorium like that!

elder ... wasnt even there and the church sanctuery didnt look like a church it looked like a theater for plays and concerts

-i am dissapointed[/SIZE][/SIZE] that they have gone away SO far from what they use to be LORD help us to stay focused on you and not anything or anybody else

Sister, I'm just glad you got out of there before their heathen spirit could jump on you and send you straight to hell.

Completely ignoring your comment on hair, I would like to ask where exactly in the Bible it states what a "church" should look like? Just wondering.

Also, how is the fact that Elder wasn't there relevant to anything you have said. The fact that we was absent helps your "case" in no way. Elder travels a LOT and is also in his 80's. How dare he ever miss a service.

Lastly, how dare you go so far as to say that a move of God could never happen in that church. If you would had stayed long enough instead of getting so easily offended, you would have experienced one of the most sincere, scriptural messages that you've ever heard from the heart of a man that loves God and seeks out His will for the church. You would have also experienced an incredible move of God. Unlike you, God looks past everything and see straight to our hearts.

Thank you for judging. And most importantly...I forgive you.
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