05-27-2010, 07:54 PM
Jesus' Name Pentecostal
Join Date: Feb 2007
Location: near Cincinnati, Ohio
Posts: 17,805
Re: The AFF Cesspool of Compromise
Originally Posted by Aquila
The AFF is NOT a cesspool of compromise.
Their issue with the AFF is that we refuse to compromise with their RELIGIOUS TRADITIONS OF MEN.
We are free to express and study. To challenge and affirm. And though we may have differing opinions we are united in our refusal to be mindless drones. We are also united in the greatest thing this world will ever see... the love of Christ. My brother doesn't have to be brow beaten by Missouri into believing as I do for me to love him. We seek the truth of God's Word. We seek to live by the Bible alone. In that, we do not compromise and will not compromise.
We seek to be Bereans, searching the Scriptures for ourselves. Willing to evolve as our knowledge grows. Discovering truths for ourselves instead of mindlessly following the religious dictates of their man made doctrines or religious hierarchy.
I'll give that a big hearty AMEN