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Old 05-20-2010, 08:24 AM
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Re: What's for Dinner Tonight?

Originally Posted by Margies3 View Post
We were BAD tonight. Had hotdogs and/or sausage on the grill. But then I made homemade french fries in my deep fryer. They were good (if you like potatoes, which I don't!). I haven't made them in ages and probably won't do it again anytime soon. But once in a while the boys enjoy the treat.
Have you ever fried your potatoes in peanut oil? - the best!

My father was a peanut farmer - we are all into peanut oil. You can fry fish and then potatoes in peanut oil and your potatoes won't have one bit of a fish flavor. It's an awesome oil.

However, I've bought some peanut oil in the grocery store - LouAna. Something is not right. It is not like the peanut oil we purchase locally. It seems like it has some kind of mix.
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