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Old 05-16-2010, 08:18 PM
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SteppingStone SteppingStone is offline
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Posts: 625
Question Has The Word Always Been in Existence?

Just trying to provoke thought so we can all come to an honest conclusion. If I'm wrong then I wanna get lined up so to speak, definitely don't wanna lead anybody into a ditch.

It says, "In the beginning." To me that is a point of time, maybe not like our time, but it implies a starting point.

So it makes me think perhaps God was silent before He started speaking. I asked a friend of mine and he says he thinks God has always been talking. LOL!! Well maybe He has.

It just seems to me that since beginning implies there was a starting point, God's 1st creation was the very act of speaking itself. In the beginning of what? Creation. When God starts to speak, nothing becomes something, but has He always been talking? Was He ever silent before He started creating everything? I believe He was. What do you believe?
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