Originally Posted by MissBrattified
I didn't say my sisters were continuously bad. LOL!!!! It did happen a few times, though, because I heard them talk about it (I wasn't even born back then). Anyway, the skirts weren't very long--it was in the late 60's, and pretty much everything was short. I've seen lots of pictures of conservative church women from back then with skirts just to their knees. So I'm sure they didn't have to roll them up very far....
As for the rest of your comments...my sisters didn't grow up in a godly home. My Dad didn't get into church until he was 39 years old. HE was brought up in an Apostolic home, and completely abandoned everything as a teenager. He wanted nothing to do with church for a very long time. Their influences came mainly from my grandparents who pastored in SE Missouri, and my Grandma would take my sisters to church as much as possible. (As well as to campmeetings, and other functions) My Grandma also made sure that my oldest sister had nice dresses and suits to wear to church, because she started singing and playing the piano at a young age, so she was often up front.
Really, EB, I was just making a funny comment. Teenagers do silly things, and it's usually best to take it with a grain of salt. I certainly wasn't intending to make my sisters look bad. All of them have remained in church, and remained involved in ministry of some sort throughout the years, which is a miracle considering the type of home they came from. I had a totally different experience, because I was born after my Dad came back to God--and my Mom converted from being a "hard-shell" Baptist to Apostolic.
Sister, when you all started making the rolled up dress comments I just thought that these young people had a foot of material rolled up, and were strolling around campus fluttering their eyes at the boys, and the boys shocked with horror because of the big wad around the girl's newly found hem line.
My wife and I love what were in, and our children may one day accept it as their own, or totally ditch it. I just have to do my job, and that is supply them with enough information to allow them to make their own decision. I can only control me, and my direction. My job is to train up the child, and show the example with a true devotion. Yet, even with all that, they could still grow up and become Hindu Sadhus. I would pray and hope they wouldn't, but it's still God who gives the increase, my wife and I planted, we water, and the rest will be between my children and God Himself. I pray they make the correct decision.
In Jesus name
Brother Benincasa