Originally Posted by Melody
We do not allow any rebuking, hatefulness, name calling, or verbal attacks by any person or group of people, toward any person or group of people. Content that is unseemly, using bad language, or any form of insinuating bad language (i.e. one letter and ****), or offensive slang, is not permitted.
This administration knows that God's Word allows for rebuking and correction under certain conditions, but because of the lack of understanding by some, as well as the differing views by a multitude of readers here, and for the sake of peace, we will not permit it under any circumstances.
Given this is an active forum, and we many times have heated discussions on various subjects, Admin will continually moderate the attitudes of the posts that are presented on AFF. As a rule of thumb...
Organizations can be discussed but not assaulted.
Posters can have disagreements but not bloodbaths.
Apostolic truth can be questioned but not be mocked.
Doctrinal absolutes can be queried but not criticized.
Admin can be contacted privately but not called out openly.
Standards can be debated but not minimized and disrespected.
Posts can be diametrically opposed but not diabolically attacking.
Concerns can be expressed freely but not just hurled and unrestricted.
Because our goal is for AFF to be a place where Liberal, Moderate, and Conservatives can peacefully co-exist