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Old 04-28-2010, 11:03 PM
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Jesus' Name Pentecostal

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Location: near Cincinnati, Ohio
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Re: ALL short sleeve wearers are homos!!!!!!!!!!

Originally Posted by notofworks View Post
Chuck Smith's early days were incredible. When he first started reaching out to the hippie generation, they would flock into his church with bare feet. Soon, the board called him in and demanded that he force the hippies to wear shoes, or at least, sandals. The natural oils from their feet were ruining the carpet. Chuck refused and told them to buy new carpet or he would leave. The carpet was replaced, the new carpet was eventually ruined as well, and thousands of hippies were reached for Jesus.
Kind sad, isn't it? Many being reached for Jesus and we're worried because the oil from their bare feet is ruining the carpet? What kind of people are we?
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