Originally Posted by CC1
Sounds to me like the icy cold hand of conviction has grabbed your heart about your short sleeves and you are just fighting it!!! 

I actually prefer to wear long sleeves and roll them up if it's warm. I don't like the term "Homo" and I don't like it when it's used in a "joking" manner. I don't think it's anything to laugh at. Sorry.
These are, after all, the people we claim we want to reach. They're the people that Jesus wept over. They're the people who wondered about with no shepherd that moved Jesus with compassion. They're the people that broke the heart of God to the point that He sent His only begotten Son to die.
When I first moved to California, a group of very fine bible college students took me to the "Castro District" in San Francisco to laugh at people. It broke my heart, more for their mocking than the gay community I saw for the first time in my life. Their laughter and crass jokes were horrifying then, and it's horrifying now.
So when a loud-mouth shows up and cracks a joke about people in short-sleeves being "homos", I don't laugh and I'm expressing my opinion. I understand that I'll be vilified by some, or maybe most, but that's ok.