Re: Thread Jewels From The Past
Mama to four little angels.
Apparently I don't belong in college...
Or...well..anywhere else it appears.
I took this nifty little assessment today that scored me on 10 different areas. It's kind of interesting.
The scores go from 1% to 100%.
The first area is anxiety. I scored 50%. That's not necessarily good, not necessarily bad. Ok, life goes on.
The second area is attitude. I scored a 20%. Hmm. That's not so good. It says I may not believe college is relevant or necessary for achieving my goals. Well......not exactly....
The third area is concentration. I think I broke the program. 1%. That ADHD I've been told I have but never diagnosed? Yeah..I might really have it.
Oh here's a good one! Information processing. 90%. Apparently, I'm really, really good at applying what I hear and see to real life. That, apparently, saves my life more than I really realized. At least according to this assessment.
Motivation. I guess I'm not very motivated either. Which is odd..cuz pretty much once I decide I'm doing something, I do it. Period. Is that motivation or just pure mule-headedness though? Oh, I scored 30%. I need to accept more responsibility for my education. Would really take up too much space to include a full response, but yeah..I'm responsible for my own education and I'm feeling pretty good about how that's working for me. lol
The next area is self testing, or how well do I check to see if I'm learning stuff before I have to prove it to someone else. Apparently, I'm no good at this. 20%.
Selecting main ideas (from a text or lecture). Not good. 15%. Good thing I have photographic memory and just remember it all (short term at least) heh
Study aids!? 30%. lol I don't know how to use resources. I'm thinking, if I can't concentrate..(and honestly that score is probably 100% I'm doing mighty fine on this...just maybe not the way anyone else would like me to. lol
Time management. 15%. Well...since it all gets done, on time (nothing's been turned in late, or incomplete yet) and juggle 4 kids and 2 jobs on top of it..I must be doing something right.
Test strategies. Woot...30%. That was actually higher than I expected. I might need to learn a better way to study for a test. Well..I won't argue that.
This whole thing just cracked me up though.
nahkoe, are you doing any better in 2010? Just wondering!
Been Thinkin
"From the time you're born, 'til you ride in the hearse, there ain't nothing bad that couldn't be worse!"
LIFE: Some days you're the dog and some days you're the hydrant!
I have ... Hippopotomonstrosesquipedaliophobia! The fear of long words.
"Prediction is very hard, especially about the future." - Yogi Berra
"I love the man that can smile in trouble, that can gather strength from distress, and grow brave in reflection." - Thomas Paine